Page 116 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 116

Because                                                               55 o25.1 Complete the email message with and',
                                                                                   or, but or because. Listen and check.                      Q
                                                                                      J _

                                                                                       Hi Cathy

                                                                                       How are you? I'm writing because I know it's your
                                                                                       birthday tomorrow. Sam   1 _             Ihave got
                                                                                       a present for you. It's only small               it's
                                                                                       nice! Can we come to your house in the morning
                                                                                       3_             the afternoon?

                                                                                       I must go now 4_           _   mum is calling me.It's
                                                                                       dinner time  5 _            the food is on the table!

                                                                                       Please email 6_            _text soon!

                You need an umbrella         ÿ                                         Love Jackie
                 because it's raining.        ,
                                                                              16             Work in pairs. Find as many ways as

           We use because to give reasons.                                                   possible to continue these sentences.
           They went home because they were tired.                                           Use and, but,or and because.
           I enjoyedthe film because it was interesting.                            Tom didn't go to school ...
                                                                                    I wanted to go swimming ....

                                                       O                            I'd like pasta ...
        *3 Match 1-5 with the reasons a-f.                                          Grace would like to be a dancer ...
               ÿ I likeTom d                                                        Let's invite Harry ....
                                  _                                                 I don't like rainy weather ...
              1 Lucy's happy
              2 We must hurry       _
                                                                                       Tom AiAn't go to school and
              3 Idon't like this music      _                                          he didn't    ¿o  his homework.
              4 It's my favourite TV show        _
              5 Matt can speak Spanish          _                                                            Tom didn't go to school
                                                                                                              but he Went shopping.
              a because it's her birthday.
              b because it's loud.
                                                                                      Tom didn't go to school
              c because it's so funny.
                                                                                         or -football practice.
              d because he's kind.
              e because his dad's from Spain.
                                                                                                          Tom AiAn't go to schoo
              f because we're late.
                                                                                                       because he haA a heaAache

                        Complete the sentences with your own
                        ideas.Tell the class.
                                              _                                     [ Self-evaluation Rate your progress.                      |
              1 Ilike weekends because
              2 My favourite singer/band is        _                                               w                 &           ÿ ÿ ÿ
                 because                                                                i
              3 Idon't watch     _                      on TV because                   2

        116 Conjunctions: and, but, or and because
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