Page 124 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 124

S3 O 27.1 Complete the sentences. Use the                                            Work in pairs. Make comparisons.
              comparative form of the adjective in brackets.                                 Do you agree or disagree with your
              Listen and check.                                                              partner?

              ÿ The River Nile is longer     than the River Thames.                 ÿ basketball and baseball (exciting/boring)
                 (long)                                                            1 hot weather and cold weather (good/bad)
                 My sister is -                                                    2 English and our language (difficult/easy)
                                                 me. (old)
                 Cars are  _                  bicycles, (fast)                     3 zoos and museums (interesting/boring)
                 0/10 is  _                1/I 0. (bad)                            4 computer games and books (good/bad)
                 I think pasta is  _        rice, (nice)
                 Egypt is                    Scotland, (hot)                         Basketball is more exciting than baseball.
                 I'm _                 I was yesterday, (happy)

                The cinema is          _            the swimming                                  No, it's more baring!
                 pool, (expensive)

        Superlative adjectives

                                                                                                              I think football is

             f J oInn is taller tinan we bW                                                                   the mostexciting
             \ his brother is the tallest.                                                                    jame in the WorIA!

          We use superlative adjectives to talk about three or more things, animals or people.

          We use the before the superlative adjective.

            Short adjective                          add -est                           the longest      the slowest

            Short adjective ending in y              delete -y and add -iest            the happiest       the funniest
            Long adjective                           use most + adjective               the most beautiful        the most exciting

            Short words ending vowel +               double the consonant and
                                                                                        the biggest      the hottest
            consonant                                add -est

          There are a few irregular superlative adjectives.
          good - best      bad - worst

        124 Comparative and superlative adjectives
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