Page 128 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 128

Adverbs of frequency

                                                                                Note the word order for adverbs of frequency
                                          My sister has coffee every
                always           100%     morning.She always has                in a sentence.
                                          coffee in the morning.                 Sentences with most verbs

                                          I have sandwiches for lunch                 1 adverb        2 main verb
                usually         90%       six times a week. I usually
                                          have sandwiches for lunch.                  always
                                                                                      usually                            my
                                          Tom buys a chocolate bar               I    often                  do          homework on
                                          four or five times a week.                  sometimes                          Saturdays.
                often           70%
                                          He often buys a chocolate                   never

                                          We have chips one or                   Sentences with be
                sometimes       30%       maybe two days a week.                         1 be          2 adverb
                                          We sometimes have chips.
            >                             Sam doesn't like tomatoes.
                never           0%                                                                     usually
                                          He never eats them.
                                                                                 You        are        often             hungry.
           Adverbs of frequency describe how frequently
           something happens.                                                                          never
           We often use them with the present simple.

           We also use a lot as an adverb. A lot goes at the end of the sentence.
           Carloften wearsjeans. Carl wearsjeans a lot.
           You're often latefor school. You're latefor schoola lot.

                                                                   O           7 Complete the sentences with an appropriate
        *                                                                    *
          6 Put the words in order to make sentences.
              ÿ  always / gets up /Tim / at / o'clock. / eight                     adverb.
                 Tim a\ways     gets   up at eight o'clock.                        ÿ John plays football six times a week.
                                                                                      He usuaWy plays football.
              1 happy./Lucy /is /always
                                                                                   1 Kate goes swimming four or five times a week.
                                                                                      She  -
                                                                                                    goes swimming.
              2 are /on /Saturday /We /never /at/
                                                                                   2 Ben runs in the morning seven days a week.
                 mornings./ home                                                          _
                                                                                      He           runs in the morning.
                                                                                   3 My dad doesn't play sport.
             3 usually / to / bus./ school / by / Jackie / goes
                                                                                      He  _        plays sport.
                                                                                   4 I play badminton one or two days every
             4 grandparents. / sometimes III my / visit
                                                                                                play badminton.
                                                                                      I -
             5 shopping / go / mum.Ill often / with / my
                                                                             *  8 Write adverbs to make true sentences.

             6 school. / usually / tired /They / are / after                       1 I -
                                                                                                                  play tennis.
                                                                                   2 I _                          swim in the sea.
                                                                                   3 I                            ride a horse.
                                                                                                                  ride a bicycle.
                                                                                   4 I -
                                                                                   5 I                            play football.
                                                                                   6 I _                          run in the park.

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