Page 130 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book_Neat (1) (1)
P. 130

Revision                          Units 27-28

        Reading and writing

          1 Complete the sentences. Choose from the box.                       3 Choose the correct answers.

                faster hard good         most taller well
                                                                                     The United Kingdom
              ÿ Can you run -faster than me?
                                                                                     There are four countries in the United
              1 My sister is  _               than you.
              2 Which is the    _               beautiful picture?                   Kingdom (the UK).They are England,
                                                                                     Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
              3 My parents are pleased because I did
                                inthe exams.                                         The big / bigger     /<6jggesÿcity in the United
              4 Are you a    _               dancer?                                 Kingdom is London. It'sone of a / the /
              5 We are all working                                                   some most exciting cities in the world.
                                                                                     About 8 million people live there. London
        2     Choose the best answer.
                                                                                     is big / bigger / biggest than Paris,
              ÿ  DoesTom like football?                                              Warsaw and Madrid, but it's a lot smaller
                 No, he doesn't, and he     _               plays it.                3  the / than / that Tokyo.
                 a [J always
                                                                                        Highest / The higher / The highest
                 b [ i usually
                                                                                      mountain in the UK is in Scotland. Its name is
                 c ÿ never
                                                                                      Ben Nevis and it's 1344m high.That's about
              1 How often do you ride your bike?                                     7500m short / shorter / shortest than
                 a ÿ Yes, I do.                                                      Mount Everest!

                 b [J Yes, often.
                 c [ ] Every day. Ialways go to school by bike.

              2 Does it often rain in England?
                 a [  J  Yes, it rains a lot.
                 b ÿ Yes, it's raining.
                 c  O  Yes, it rains.

              3 What's the weather like in March?
                a  J  j it's co/d but ft usually snows.

                 b [~\ It's cold but it isn't snowing.
                c  O It's cold but it doesn't usually snow.

             4 How often do your parents go to the cinema?
                a [_] Never.They don't enjoy watching films.
                b [  J  They go.                                                                                         ENGLAND

                c  O   They aren't going a lot.

             5 Do you eat chips a lot?
                a  O   No, Inever eat them.
                 b Q No, I'm not eating them.
                c [ ] No, Ioften eat them.

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