Page 114 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 114

I Describe whot is hoppening  in the pictures.

       2 Listen ond reod .    @   rc,

                     Th ree Ulishes
                                                                 Suddenlg, three
            Once upon o time there wos cr poor
                                                                 delicious  scrusqges
            fishermqn. The fishermon's wife wos usuollg
                                                                 oppeored  on his plote.
            cngru becquse he didn't cotch mong fish.
                                                                 He wqs verg hoppg
            One dog, the mqn wqs fishing when                    qnd  stqrted to eot.
            suddenlg  q little fish jumped into his net.
            "Mg wife will be hoppU now," sqid the mqn,           But his wife shouted ongrilg, "\(/hg didn't
            "we will eqt this fish for dinner."                  gou wish for something  better, like moneu
            But then the fish spoke. "Pleqse throw me            or gold?You  sillg mqn! I wish those
            bqck in the seor" it soidr "ond I will give          scrusoges  were on the end of gour nose!"
            gou three wishes."                                   The mon looked down ot his nose ond
                                                                 screqmed. All the sousqges  were on the end
                                                                 of his nose.

                                                                 The wife pulled cnd pulled, but she
                                                                 couldn't get the sousoges off the mqn's
                                                                 nose. Theg hod to use their lqst wish.
                                                                 "f wishr" soid the fishermon sodlgr"for
                                                                 the sousqges to go owog." Suddenlg, the
            The fishermqn wcts veru surprised. "Greqt!"
                                                                 sousqges disoppeored.
            he thought. "I cqn mqke mg wife verg
            hqppU with three wishes."

            Loter, he told his wife  qbout  the fish.
            She wosn't hoppg.
            "Fish don't speok, gou sillg mqn!" she soid.
            "And now there isn't ong fish for dinner."
            The fishermon wos hungrg qnd        he looked
            ot his dinner of breod qnd    wqter.
            "I wish we hod souscrges  insteqd of breqd           Now theg hod no squsqges ond no wishes.
            ond wqterr" he soid.                                 And the fishermon  never sow the fish ogoin.


       3 underline  these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond

          then check them in the Workbook 4 DictionorU.

               Unit l5    Words in contexf:  'Three  Wishes' Reoding:  o troditionol story
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119