Page 118 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 118
I Describe the pictures.
2 Reod.
Thousonds of geors ogo people discovered gol.d in rivers. Theg
Leornt to mofe ptotei, cups ond jeweLlerg from_this precious metol.
There wos o tot of gol'd in pLoces oround the Red Seo' Eggpt wos
one of these pl"ocei. In oncient times, the Eggptions buried their
kings in tombs. Theg buried jewel.s ond go[d objects in the tombs
oloig with their deid kings. The gotd mosk of Tutonkhomun is
o for"ous object from AncLnt Eggpt. It wos not unti[ 1922 thot
people foundihis mosk in King Tutonkhomun's tomb.. The mosk is
now in the Gol.d Room ot the Eggption Museum, in Coiro'
The Inco peo-ple lived thousonds of
ueors ogo in the Andes
Mountoins of south Americo. Theg iere vefo clever people
ond buitt cities ond Theg otso hod o lot of goid *hi.h
theg found in rivers in the ,orntoinr. The Inco p"Jpt" mode
monu beoutiful things from go[d. Theg mode beoutifur.
stotues, mosks, ond jewellerg.
Todog these things ore in
museums oround the world. some people think there is more
Inco gold in the mountoins of South Americo. some people
even think there is o lost citg which is ful.l. of gotd. '
There is o ploce in south Africo colted Mopungubr" I thousond
ogo, this ploce wos o citg. The people^in the citg ho-d o
Ueors !ol^
go1i which theg found in oriver colled Shoshe River. In 1933,
pe-opl.e found ,ong things on top of o hiLL in this oreo. Theg
iorna gold pots ond gold jewelterg ond olso o beoutiful gotd
rhino. ih" r.hino is obout l2cm Long ond 6cm high ond is obout
800 geors oLd. Todog it is in o museum in South Africo. There is
olso o"big mode[ of tnl rhino in o south Africon citg. This mode[
is not gol"d. It is pointed gold.
3 Reod ogoin ond write the nomes of the ploces.
L Tutankhomen's mosk is from 2 The Inco people Lived in
3 The goLd rhino is from
4 Ask ond onswer.
L WouLd gou Like to see onU of the goLd things in the pictures? Whg?
2 Do gou Like Leorning obout oncient historg? Whg?
fl5 Extensive reoding: Gotd treosures