Page 120 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 120
I Look of the titl.e ond the pictures. Whot is the text obout?
2 Reod.
When Gerald Eurrell wos ten Ubqrs o[d, he tived with his fomitg in Englond. His fqther
wos deod, but he l"ived with his mother, his older brothers, Lorrg ond Leslie, ond his
older sister Morgo. The fomitg l.ived bg the seo, but theg didn't-Like the cold weother
in Englond. One cold ond roing dog in August 1q35, tl-reg decicied to go ond live in
o hotter ptoce. Theg trovel"Led to Corfu which is on islond in Greece. Theg lived in o
big, pink house on o hi[[,'It"hod o lovelg gorden ond theg were verg hoppg there.
WhiLe Gerotd wqs'living on the istond, he teornt o lot obout onimols. He enjoged
wotehing the insects ond the tizurds in their gorden. He explored the islond ond
leornt obout the fish, the birds ond the plonts. He Liked spiders ond snokes ond even
hod some os pets, ond he put them in o speciol room in the house. in this room
Gerold kept books obout ptonts ond onimols, os we[[ os his collections of birds'
eggs ond insects in jors. Gerold didn't go to school on the istond, but he
hod Lessons with q teocher from Englond. He leornt French, moths ond
geogrophg. He met monu peop[e on the istsnd ond he Leornt,,G]reek.,,,
He qlso storted to write o book obout his odventures on the islond.
This is one of his most exciting qdventures. }r
Reod ogoin ond write f (true) or F (foLse).
1 GeroLd moves to Corfu when he is ten geors old.
2 GeroLd doesn't hove Lessons.
3 TheJomil.g hove o boot.
4 Gerold ond his fomilg swim with the porpoises.
4 Rsk ond onswer.
1 WouLd gou Like to swim with porpoises? Whg?
2 Do gou enjog Leorning obout onimols? Whg?
.i8, Extensive reoding:My fomily ond other cnimols