Page 121 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 121

We were veru hqppu on the islqnd. In the summer, the dogs were long ond hot                            ts.!
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         ond the islqnd wqs veru bequtiful. Theie were green olive trees; bright orqnge                          1G
         trees ond gellow grqpes on the vines. In the mornings, we Gte our breckfqst in the                       tf'
         gqrden qnd     tqlked ond loughed together. In the        qfternoon,   I wolked in the gorden            {;
         ond wqtched  the butterflies      q.nd  the lodgbirds. I leqrnt   qbout   the summer insects,             f
         the  qnimqls qnd     the flowers. Then I did mg lessons. Thqt summer I hod  ne.w                          ;
         teqcher from Englond. His nqme wqs Petei             qnd  I liked him verg much. FIe wqs                  i f
         verg clever   qnd  verg kind   qnd   he told me lots of interesting things. As well os doing
         our lessons, we wolked oround the islqnd          qnd   tqlked obout the things we sqw. Then              {iB
         I wrote   qbout  these things   qnd   Peter reod mg'work. Soon I stqrted to write  book.                  $:;
         It wqs  storu SLUIU LIUULIL rrru                                 qnd  lots of \Jr LrrrrrlrLrrs.            gg
         IL WLIS Lt
                                  mg fomilg, our life on the islqnd rLlrruru, ULrr rrrtr Urr Lrltr lbrLuru LrrrLr  I\JLD
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         The summer nights were verg hot          qnd   the secr wcrs wqrm    qnd   dqrk.  \We  often went         ? i$
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         ^---:*^:^^   qt  night becquse it wqs so hot on the beqch in the sun. $7e trqvelled out                   t,$*
         to seq in our little boqt ond mg brothers ond mg sister rowed. I sqt             qt  the front  qnd       e$$
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         shouted "Look out!" when I sow ong rocks.                                                                 }. *$
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         rWhen   we stopped the boot, we went swimming in the wqrm seq                qnd   then we went           i i*
         bqck to'the beqch. $7e sqt on the wqrm rocks, looked            qt  the stqrs  qnd  tqlked  qbout         ; *f
         our brilliqnt life on the islqnd. islqnd.                                                                 .-{  Bs$
         our brilliont life on rhe
          One dog, I left mg fomilu on the rocks        qnd   went bock into the seq.-It wos lovelg                fr,$,g
          qnd  wqrm in the wqter. I swqm ond log on mU bqck ond looked                 qt  the lovelg,             {$*
         white moon. Mg fomilg were verg noisg. Theg were loughing                 qnd   tqlking on the            $*-$
          sqnd. I listened to them     qnd  felt verg hoppg.                                                       fl  .$g
          Suddenlg, there wGS something  in the wqter. It wos swimming veru close to me!                           f  gi
          \fqs it  qn qnimcll?  S(rhqt kind of onimql wqs it? I wqs worried         qnd  I wqnted to        _-_..'-  *B*
          shout for help. But then I sqw the       qnimol. It ccrme out of the wqter  jffii
          cmd then it went under ogoin. It wqs dqrk          qnd  it wos big                          -&k
          I1ookedogoi5rqndsqwitwqsoporpoise.ThenE*                                                                 6$}
          I looked  qround    more corefullg. There were      qbout            fl       fllt"_&ffiffiMfW"---W  5=:

          l wqs swimming with porpoises,rl:y            y"ro   :"1       .                                          +i
          p1ogedondjumpedinthewqterwhileIwqtched.ffi'*G-ft                                                         i;1

          Eventuqllgr  theg turned crnd swqm        qwcrg.                                                      -   ig
          I swqm bqck to mU fomilg on the sond           qnd                                                         a :E

          told them   qbout   mg spegiql    qdventure.                                                             ;;:
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               I                                                       Extensive  reoding:  My fomily  ond other onimols Ifg
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