Page 31 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 31

Look ot the picture. Whot is the girL doing?

             Morg Anning wqs born in 1799 in q          smqll English seqside town colled Lgme Regis.
             There were monu fossils in Lgme Regis. Morg's fqther looked for them ond sold
             them in his shop. People often visited the shop. Theg liked the fossils becouse theg
             were prettu qnd  interesting.

             In those dogs, monu children didn't go to school. But Morg went to school              qnd   she
             leqrnt to reqd   qnd  write verg well.Then, in 1810, Morg's fqther died. Morg wos onlg
             eleven  Uecrrs  old. The fomilg needed moneu, so Morg          qnd  her brother worked in the
             shop. Morg looked for fossils on the beqch everu dog. She cut them from the rock
             ond cleoned them before selling them in the shop. She wqs verg good qt              this.

             One dog, Morg      qnd  her brother found some stronge-looking bones in the rocks. The
             children didn't know whqt theg were. Morg took them bock to the shop                qnd  she sqw
             thot theg were bones from  veru lorge         qnimql.   She cleqned them     qnd  looked   qfter
             them, but she didn't sell them.
             Eventuqllu, some scientists in London  heqrd obout the bones. Theg visited Morg ot
             her shop   qnd  looked   qt  the bones. Theg didn't know whqt the       qnimol   wos, but theg
             thought it wqs    q  seq dinosqur. Todog we cqll this dinosqur       qn  ichthyosaur,  which
             meqns fish lizord. This dinosour disoppeored         qbout  90 million   Ueors   qgo.

             After this, Morg found mqnu other omozing fossils on the beqch ot Lgme Regis.
              She found the verg first plesiosalff)  crnother tgpe of seo dinosour.  Mqrg leornt o lot

              sbout fossils  qnd  dinosours   qnd  becqme veru fqmous in Lgme Regis          qnd   London.
             Todog Lgme Regis is o greot ploce for fossil hunting. The Lgme Regis Museum hqs
              o speciol Morg Anning dog everg        Ueqr  to celebrote her life ond work with fossils.

        3 Reqd ogoin ond onswer the questions.

          L Whg did Morg Anning work in o shop?

          2 Whot did she seLL in her shop?
          3 Whot did she     find  with her brother?

        4 Ask ond onswer.

          L Are   Uou  interested  in dinosours?  Whg?

           2 Would gou Like to work in o museum?  Whg?

                                                                       Extensive  reoding:  The story of Mory Anning  29
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