Page 36 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 36
L*ss*ffi r_lw* pk&&,Xs Y$me$
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I Whot do gou know obout bosketboLl.?
2 Listen ond reod . @ ,u
Feop{e eontinued to ploE bssketbclt in rtris
wog a;ntil 1?06, when bmsketball hoops and
nets were inventeci.
With time, bosketbolt sprecd ocross the
l"Jnited Stqt*s snd then the wh*le worid.
Tcdcg peop[e p[cg bosketboll outdoors, too,
ond gou ccn often find bcsketboll hoops in
pcnks ond gcrdens.
So tng it!You just need o bsi[, sorne fniends
Bosketbsll storted in '!891 in esnsda"The verg ecld
end c basl(etbsit's o grect wog tCI
winters meont pupils needed m sport to plog inside
iceep {lt ond heolthg.
where it wrels w*rr-i'l.5o, s FE teocher called ieimes
Nelisnrith invented 6 new sport: bas!<etbo[["
One of the tsllest
Naisn"rith put fruit haskets onto bolcCInies ct ecch
bosketbsll plogers is
end of che court"The plegers scCIn*d
Surn Minrg Ming,who
points bg throwinE hal[s into the
is 236enr tnl[" But
bcskets"To get the bstls down Uou
ogoin, the plogers l'xrd to dont hove to be toll to
ctirnb q ladder. So, Noisr',xitl-r plerg basketbo[. A verg
rnode o hole in the hottorr fornelus ploger; Muggsg
of eqch bosket fon the bsil Eogues, is only 16$cm.
to foltthrough.
underline these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionorg.
4 Reod ogoin ond compLete the sentences.
L BosketboLL storted in canada 2 ]omes Noismith wos o
3 The boskets were for 4 To get the boLLs, the plogers climbed o
5 People storted ploging with 5 Now people plog bosketboll os weLL
nets in os inside.
j I r^,i *
= 16.'-.-ds ir.l r.o:rt*xi: hr:ske:beii Re*rx{in6: er n"re:gczin* *rtieic