Page 92 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 92

I took    qt  the text ond pictures below. Sog three wous to stog heoLthg.

        2 Listen ond reod .  @     ,,

           Toke [ots of exercise                                  Drink tots of woter ond milk
           Wotching TV or pl.oging computer gomes                 Woter or juices ore better for gou thon fizzg

           won't moke gou fit, but ptoging sports wiLt.           drinks becouse fizzg drinks contoin  lots of
           You con join o club or ptog with gour friends          sugor. Eoting  q  tot of sugor is bod for gour

           in o pork. If gou don't like teom sports, gou
                                                                  teeth. One con of coto contoins obout nine
           con wotk to school, go swimming  or trg
                                                                  teospoons of sugor! MiLk is good becouse it
           skoting insteod. Regulor  exercise mokes  gou
                                                                  contoins Lots of cotcium. You need cqlcium to
           fee[ stronger ond gives   Uou  more energu.
                                                                  hetp gour 206 bones to grow ond keep gour
           Eot  heolthg diet                                      teeth strong.
           Sweets, chocolote ond crisps ore fun to                There is this much cotcium in o serving of ...
           eot sometimes, but it is not good to eot                                     (D  o gtoss of milk
           them everu dog. These foodi contqin too                            Htt,,,,,,  O two sordines
                                                                              'i  r,r:lll:,lil:i:::ilii
           much sugor, fot or soLt. Moke sure gou eot
                                                                                        0 cobboge
           vegetobtes, such os cobboge, with everg meo[,
                                                                            l.:i:i:llttil:il:il :lg:l  @ cheese
           ond plentg of fruit, too. Fruit ond vegetobles
                                                                                        O gogurt
           help gou stog heotthg ond grow strong.
                                                                                        @ beons

           underline  these words in the text. Guess their meonings ond
           then check them in the Workbook 4 Dictionorg.

           Reod ogoin ond complete the sentences.

           L WoLking ond skotingaretgpes  of                       2  you  shouLd eot
                                                      .e-4gy*c_t;_e_.                               with gour meoL.
           3 There is o Lot oJ   _: _ _-_,-  in  Jizzg  drinks.    4  ._.  *_-.   hos got o Lot of colcium.

           5 VegetobLes  heLp gou to stoy                          6 Calcium keeps gour                .  strong.

         90     Unit I2    Words in context: how ro stoy heolfhy  lleoding:  on informlotion  leoflef
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