Page 97 - Family and Friends 4 Class Book full_Neat
P. 97

Describe the picture. Whot do gou know obout deserts?


           What is o desert?
          There ore different kinds of deserts.  There
          ore hot deserts ond there ore cold deserts.
          The Sohoro Desert  is the biggest hot desert
          in the world. The GoblDesert is olwogs verg
                                                                  What plonts ond onimols live in
          cold. Some deserts  ore sondg. Some deserts
                                                                 hot deserts?
          ore rockg. Other deserts hove mountoins.
                                                                 PLonts ond onimo[s need woter to survive.
          Antorctico is the co[dest ploce in the world, but
                                                                 The desert is verg drg but omozinglg,  there
          it is o desert ond it is covered In snow ond ice"
                                                                 ore monU plonts in the desert. There ore olso
                                                                 monu onimols,  lnsects ond birds. How do theg
              Whdt ls the weother lfke fn                        survive?
              the desert?                                        Some plonts, like cocti, keep roin woter in their
                                                                 Leoves for o [ong time. Other plonts hove [ong
              A desert is o verg drg ploce. It hos verg
                                                                 roots. The roots toke woter from deep under
              Litt[e roin. It snows in Antorctico, but it does
                                                                 the ground.
              not often roin. In hot deserts,  it is verg hot
              during the dog ond then verg cold ot night.        Some onimots in the desert never drink. Theg
              When it roins, it roins suddenlg. But there        get woter from seeds ond plonts. Mong
              is verg little woter in the desert. Sometimes      onimo[s ore nocturnol. This meons  theg sleep
              Uou  con find woter in rocks underground.          during the hot dog ond come out ot night.
              These ploces ore coLled ooses.                     Some onimols  Live underground for most of the
              It con be verg windg in lhe desert, too.           time becouse  it is colder.
              There con be sondstorms or snowstorms.             People often trovel in the desert on comels.
              In sondg deserts, the wind blows the sond          These  onimols  con drink o Lot of woter verg
              ond mokes  big shopes Like mountoins.              quicktg  ond then theg do not need to drink for
              These  shopes ore coL[ed sond dunes.               o veru [ong time. Theg ore perfect  in the desert!

       3 Reod ogoin ond write f (true) or F (foLse).

          L It is olwogs hot in the desert.                         2 It never roins in the desert.
          3 AnimoLs ond p[onts Live in the desert.                  4 Some onimoLs don't need woter.

       4 Ask ond onswer.

          L Hove    Uou   ever been to o desert? Whot wos it Like?

          2 WouLd gou Like to go on o trip to the desert? Whg?

                                                                                Extensive  reoding:  Life in the desert  9,
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