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                        r   achieve  [atM  v
                           To achieve something is to successfully do it after trying hard.
                           -»I was happy that I could achieve my goal.

                        r  advise  [edvaiz]  v.
                           To advise someone is to tell them what to do.
                           -* My mother often advises people about their money.

                        c   already  [oilredi]  adv.
                           If something happens already, it happens before a certain time.
                           — It is already time for the movie to start. Let’s go in.

                        r  basic  [beisik]  adj.
                           If something is basic, it is very simple or easy.
                           -* I learned some basic English skills in school today.

                        O'  bit  [bit]  n.
                           A bit is a small amount of something.
                           ->I ate a bit of chocolate before I went to bed.

                        r  consider  [kansidsr]  v.
                           To consider something means to think about it.
                           -* Pete didn’t like his job. He considered getting a new one.

                        c   destroy  [distr5i]  v.
                           To destroy means to damage something so badly that it cannot be used.
                           -» The glass was destroyed.

                        r  entertain  [enta/lein]  v.
                           To entertain someone is to do something that they enjoy.
                           -» The clown entertained the kids at the party.

                        r  extra  [ekstra]  adj.
                            If something is extra, it is more than what is needed.
                            -» The squirrel had extra nuts for the winter.

                        r  goal  [goul]  n.
                            A goal is something you work toward.
                            -*■Her goal was to become a doctor.
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