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r lie [iai] v.
To lie is to say or write something untrue to deceive someone.
-* Whenever Pinocchio lied to his father, his nose grew.
r meat [mkti n.
Meat is food made of animals.
-*■This piece of meat I’m eating tastes very good.
r opinion [apinjan] n.
An opinion is a thought about a person or a thing.
-* Meg told me her opinion of my story. She said it was not funny.
r real ir» adj.
If something is real, it actually exists.
-*•The handbag has a stamp on it, so it’s real.
r reflect brnmv.
To reflect is when a surface sends back light, heat, sound or an image.
-» Her face was reflected on the smooth glass.
r regard [rigard] v.
To regard someone or something is to think of them in a certain way.
-+The boy regarded the girl as a good friend.
r serve isarvi v.
To serve someone is to give them food or drinks.
-»He served us our drinks quickly.
r vegetable [ved3Stabal] n.
A vegetable is a plant used as food.
-» Carrots are my favorite vegetable.
r war two.r] n.
A war is a big fight between two groups of people.
-* Many young men died in the war.
r worth [wa:re] adj.
If something is worth an amount of money, it costs that amount.
-* Our house is worth a lot of money.