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P. 145


                 C  passage [paesid3l  n.
                     A passage is a long area with walls that goes from one place
                     -» The long passage led us to the other side of the field.

                 r  perform  [perform]  v.
                     To perform is to do something in front of people who watch.

                     -►He will perform a song for the class.
                 r  pressure [prefer] n
                     Pressure is what you apply to make someone do something.

                     -♦They put pressure on him to change his mind.

                 r  probable [prabebal]  adj.
                     If something is probable, it is likely to happen.
                     -* It is probable that you will get a good grade if you study for the test.

                 r   public [pAblik]  adj.
                     If something is public, it is meant for everyone to use.
                     -»I went to the public park to play with my friends.

                  r  strike [straik]  v.
                     To strike someone or something is to hit them.

                     -*■She struck the other girl in the face.
                  r  support [sepoirt]  v.
                     To support something is to like it and help it be successful.
                     -»Everyone at work supports the new plan.

                  r   task [taesk]  n.
                     A task is work that someone has to do.
                     -* Who has the task of building the brick wall?

                  r   term  [ta:/m]  n.
                     A term is a word for something.
                     -»/ often use the term “oops” when I make a mistake.

                  r  unite [jumait] v
                     To unite is to get together to do something.
                     -* If we unite, we can finish our project faster.

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