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P. 147

Check (V) the one that suits the blank naturally.

       1.  They’ve known each other for years__________ .
              a.  and have a good friendship       ___  b.  go to a passage

       2.  I don’t know where we are.__________ .
              a.  We need a guide                      b.  Let’s perform right now

       3.  The concert tonight__________ .
              a.  will strike the wall                 b.  will be a fun event

       4.  I gave him money because__________ .
              a.  I support his company                b.  He didn’t do any work

       5.  At the end of her speech,__________ .
              a.  don’t forget to cheer loudly     _  b.  fit into your clothes

       6.  You don’t have to pay to get in when__________ .
              a.  an accident is probable              b. you go to a public park

       7.  You must think hard because__________ .
              a.  I am under pressure                  b. the problem is complex

       8.  Glad is__________ .
              a.  another term for happy               b.  the way people unite

       9.  The artist made his art__________ .
              a.  from a block of wood                 b. the people cheered for victory

      10.  He thought the book was boring.__________ .
              a.  He was a critic of it                b.  He really enjoyed it
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