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P. 56

UNIT           6            Teens around the world

                                      1    Read the text and match the captions to the photos.

      You learn                   A                                            1  There is a big music
      •   present simple                                                          festival every year.
      •   make and let                                                              2  I live above the shop.
      •   words for music

      and then you can                                                        3  We get a lot of hurricanes.
      •   say where things
         are done                                                                  Swimming is the best
      •   say what people let                                                   4    thing to do here.
         you do

          Hi!            My name’s

                         Danilo. I live in
                         the Philippines.
           My home is in the capital
           city, Manila. I’m 13.

           The Philippines is a group of
           islands, so it has a lot of beaches.
           Swimming is the best thing
           to do here. But we get a lot
           of hurricanes. Sometimes it
           rains non-stop for more than
                                               My dad’s a shopkeeper, and we
           a week and at other times the
                                               live above the shop. On Saturday
           temperature gets as high as
                                               mornings he makes me help
           40°C. We don’t have winter so we
                                               him in the shop. I also study
           NEVER get cold.
                                               hard because I want to get good
           Manila is a very busy and           marks in my exams. I want to go
           overcrowded city. Lots of people    to college and get a good job
           are very poor. They live on the     one day.
           streets. I’m lucky because my
           parents have got jobs, and we
           have a place to live. Our life isn’t   Dictionary work

           much di erent from teenagers’

           lives in other countries. We          Find the words in the text and circle the correct definition.
           love listening to music. Every          Then check in your dictionary.
           year a big festival is organised
                                                 1 overcrowded                3  hang out
           here – sixty bands are invited
                                                   a  polluted                  a  to spend time doing things
           from all over the world. But I’m
                                                   b  with too many people         with friends
           not allowed to go – my parents
           think I’m too young. They let me      2 hurricane                    b  to spend time alone
           hang out and play football in the       a  very strong wind        4 marks
           street, where there are lots of         b  when it is very dry         a  comments from a teacher
           cars, but they don’t let me go to                                     b results
           concerts – it’s crazy!

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