Page 74 - More_3_2nd_edition_Student_39_s_book_Neat
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The focus of our fourth special feature
Around the world is on energy alternatives.
Six ways to
save energy
• There are about 2000 wind • Solar panels are already being
turbines in Great Britain. They produce used to power petrol pumps at a petrol
renewable energy, but there is a station in Perivale, United Kingdom.
problem. There have been protests Especially in hot countries, solar power
because some people think that they will be one of the most important
make beautiful landscapes look ugly. sources of renewable energy. Experts in
• There are currents in the sea Namibia have developed a stove which
because of the tides. When we use uses the sun as a source of energy.
underwater turbines (in much the • Insulation helps to reduce the energy
same way that a wind turbine works), consumption of old houses. When a
we can make electricity. The advantage new house is built, the temperature in
is that this form of energy is always the house is higher if the house faces
there. Work is going on to develop south, and if there is a lot of glass that
marine current turbines. These could be catches the sun.
built in groups under the sea, like an • Think about how you get to school.
underwater wind farm. More and more children are driven to
• Energy-saving light bulbs use only a school by their parents. You can save
fifth of what traditional bulbs use. energy if you walk or cycle to school.
Over to you! MORE! Online Action Box
Listening and Quiz online.
Work in pairs. Make a list of different ways to save
Write a text for the MORE! Online
energy. Do many people do these things where you journal. Put it online for students
live? Which do you think is the best way of saving from other countries to read.
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