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P. 94
The focus of our fifth special feature
Around the world is on the internet.
internet for everything these days. No Are we
How we use the internet We use the
matter where we are, we can access
our emails online, or check social- addicted to the
networking sites. If we want to check
some information, for example a train
time, we can find it immediately on the internet?
internet. We can communicate instantly
with people all around the world.
In the old days, our grandparents
had to send letters by post and wait Are internet ‘friends’ really friends? Getting away from the internet
several days. If they wanted to find Some scientists think that using the In fact, some people use the
information, they had to go to a library internet too much makes us tired, internet so much, that they are
or phone an information line. stressed and lonely. Yes, we may happy to pay for ‘internet-free’
have thousands of online contacts all holidays. In Switzerland, you
around the world, but do we really feel can go to special hotels where
close to them? there is no internet, no wi-fi, and
no phone signal! This would be
Too much internet? So does the the perfect holiday for someone
internet make everything better? who really wants to switch off.
Maybe not. According to research, For other people, it would be the
most people are using the internet too worst holiday possible!
much. Business people check their
emails up to six times a day, or maybe
more. They also check their emails
at the weekend or when they are on
holiday. This means that some people
can never ‘switch off’.
The internet today Some studies say
that 80% of us use the internet every
day, for around 13 hours a week.
The most popular use of the internet Over to you!
is to check social-networking sites.
It doesn’t matter where we are – on How many hours a day do you use the internet? How many times
a bus or in the mountains – we can a day do you check your emails? How many times a day do you go
upload photos or chat with our friends on Facebook? Compare in class.
all over the world, just by using a
mobile phone. The next most popular MORE! Online Action Box
use is to send emails. Many people
Listening and Quiz online.
also use the internet to read the
Write a text for the MORE! Online journal.
news, or online magazines. Shopping, Put it online for students from other
watching videos and internet banking countries to read.
are also common.
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