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P. 96
UNIT 10 It must be good for you
1 Read the emails. What is Sam’s problem?
You learn
• to make deductions From: Sam <>
with must, might, Date: 4 June 16:16
Subject: Hello!
can’t To: Jess <>
• causative have ____________________________________________________________
• infinitives of purpose
• words for cooking Hello Jess,
and then you can I’m writing to say thank you for the lovely picnic last weekend. It was great. But
• make deductions guess what? I’ve been ill since then! I’ve got a runny nose, my eyes are watering,
• express opinions and my skin is terrible. My mum says it must be an allergy – or maybe I ate
something which was bad for me. Now I’m ill.
But what did I eat? We had your sandwiches … What was inside them? Was it
cheddar cheese? I might be allergic to cheese. And what did we drink? I think we
only drank water. I can’t be allergic to water!
Anyway, I’m going to the doctor today to check what’s wrong. I’ll have some tests
done. Then I’ll write back to you to tell you my news!
Lots of love,
Hi Sam, Hello Jess,
Oh no! That’s terrible. I’m so sorry that you’ve Well, I’ve come back from the doctor. I’ve got
been ill. I hope it wasn’t my sandwiches that made good news and bad news. The bad news is that
you feel bad. They did have cheddar cheese in I’m allergic to strawberries. Remember? We
them. had some strawberries at the picnic, too. I’m
really surprised, because I always thought that
But remember after the picnic? You said you were
still hungry, so we stopped at that very cheap strawberries had lots of vitamins, and that they
burger place. You had a burger and lots of cola, were good for you! But they’re not good for me,
and I didn’t. I’m sorry, but I think it must be the it seems.
burger that made you ill. Oh well, never mind. The good news is that I’m
not allergic to burgers! Would you like to come for
Anyway, let me know soon!
another picnic at the weekend? No strawberries
Love, this time.
Jess Lots of love,
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