Page 10 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 10

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                                                             Label the signs in   with the words/phrases
          Vocabulary                                         below.

                      5RDG 6LJQV                                no right turn      traffi  c lights
                                                                cycle lane         hospital ahead
             Have you seen these road signs? Talk about the      parking           no parking
              meaning of the signs below with a partner.        no cycling         school ahead

                                                            Look out!
                                                            -  A sign within a red triangle    will warn
                                                             you of something.
                                                             - Signs with red circles    are
                                                             mostly prohibitive – that means
                                                             you can’t do something.
                                                             - Signs in blue    are usually
           1. ____________________  2. ____________________
                                                             to give information.

                                                             Work in pairs. Discuss which of the signs you
                                                             see on the way to school.
                                                          A:   On the way to school, I can see a ‘no left turn’ sign.
                                                          B:   On my way to school there is a hospital, so I can
                                                             see a ‘hospital ahead’ sign.
           3. ____________________    4. ____________________

           5. ____________________  6.__________________

           7. ____________________  8.__________________

          8    Unit 7/Traff
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