Page 7 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 7

Speaking                   Writing                   Language Focus

          - Talking about obeying    - Writing a paragraph     - It  indicating distance
           traffi  c rules            about traffi  c problems  - Used to
          - Identifying road signs                             - Sounds: /e/ and /eɪ/

          - Asking and answering     - Writing a paragraph     - -ed and -ing adjectives
           questions about fi lm stars  about one’s favourite   - Connectors: although, despite/in spite of,
                                      fi lm                     however, nevertheless
                                                               - Sounds: /t/, /d/ and /ɪd/

          - Identifying popular      - Writing an informal     - H/Wh-questions: review
           festivals                  letter to tell your      - Adverbial phrases
                                      friend about a festival/  - Word stress (two syllables)
                                      celebration you

          - Talking about advantages   - Writing about how to   - The future continuous
           and disadvantages of       save energy              - The future simple passive
           types of energy sources
                                                               - Word stress (three syllables)

          - Talking about means of    - Writing a paragraph    - Will (review)
           transport in the future    about facts and opinions  - Possessive pronouns: mine, yours,
                                                                his, hers, its, ours, theirs
                                                               - Rising and falling intonation for questions

          - Talking about            - Writing a paragraph     - Comparisons of quantifi ers: review
           disadvantages that an      describing population    - Tag questions
           overcrowded place can      growth in an area        -  Word stress: review

                                                                                      BOOK MAP    IX
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