Page 112 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 112

                                                                 What  kind  of schooltrips  do you go оп with your  school?
                                                                 Do you enjoy them?
                                                                 What  was the [ast schoottrip   уоч  went оп? What  did
                                                                 you do?


                                                               Тrýр  ***ývýti*s

                                                               1   Look at the photos  of people  оп school  trips. What
                                                               бп  activities  are they doing? Match  the photos  A-J to the
                                                               ý€ words and phrases  in the Ьох.

                                                                    canoeing  cooking  оп а fire
                                                                    dancing at а disco  going on а nature walk
                                                                    going  round  а museum
                                                                    going to an amusement park  sai[ing
                                                                    visiting а farm  visiting an aquarium
       ''.Е']'                 tr                                   watching  а show
                }:,                                            .r(}  lirt"n  and check. Тhеп  repeat.
      }          S  .**-                                 j     2   lп small  grочрs, ask and  апswеr  the questions.

                      s                                 ё ,ý ,d    1 Which  of these  activities do you do on school  trips
       s                                                             with  уоur  school?
                                                                   2 Which ones do you enjoy?
                                                                   3 Which ones would  you  tike  to try?
    *                                                              4 Which ones would  you  not tike  to do?  Why  not?

                                                            {}з    Listen  to а teachertalking  to а class about а school
                                                                   trip and  answer  the questions.
                                                                   1 Whеrе is Та[[ Тrееs  activity  сепtrе?
                                                                   2 Which activities  in Exercise  1 do you  hear?
                                                            (,l  д  Fоr each  question,  write the correct answer in each
                                                            1з8   l  gap. Write  опе word or а number or а date  or а time
                                                                   Тhеп  listen again and check.

                                                                                                   '       July
                                                                                                   2,.  .,   аm

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   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117