Page 139 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 139

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             ржýýýжy ýёжрLж                                       Practice
                                                                  &   Complete  the sentences with the present  simple
               Positive    l/You/We/They  play  vot[,eybatt.          form of the verbs in the Ьох.
                           He/She/lt  goes  running.                   gо    not go
               Negative    l/You/We/They  don't paint pictu rеs                        not  р[ау
                           He/She/lt  doesn't  write  poems.           ptay  study  watch
               Questions   Do l/you/we/they  sit пеаr  the            1 l       basketbal[  in а team.
                           window?                                    2 Му teacher      sai[ing  when the weather  is
                           Does  he/she/it  [ive пеаr hеrе?             bad.
               Short       Yes, l/you/we/they  do                     З Му brother       TV after  dinner  every day.
               answers    , No, l/you/we/they  don't.                 4        уоur  mum        running  before
                          : Yes, he/she/it  does.                       work?
                          l No, he/she/it  doesn't.                   5 Му friends  and l    rugby at the weekend
                                                                        We prefer footba[[.
                                                                      6 Му best friend a[ways     hard before an
             We use the present  simple  to ta[k about  things  we do   exam.
             often or every day.
             l  рlt;у  {ootilr;jJ  *liсr  :;:lзt:ci  evc,l-,y  dciy,  Х   Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of
             ýе dсэ*s*'*  g* s&сlt;лq  iл lj;e slпllel,               frequency  in brackets  in the correct  place.

                                                                      0 l'm [ate for schoo[.  (atways)
                          &ýwýжжý  &ý ýжýýжýж*Y                         lin oll,rcys lогЕ fcr,_scho al.
                                                                      1 We  р[ау  badminton.  (печеr)
               We use the  рrеsепt  simpte  to talk  about  things  we do  2 Му dad doesn't go running.  (often)
               often оr every day.
               1000/о  l z*iъt;:.;t,  ploy  toble tеппis  iп the sчmmеr,
                  ф   / r,;r:";,:l1T  go sailing with  mу dad.        3 Myfriends  and lgo cycling.  (sometimes)
                  ý   / c,{,l** do athletics  with  mу friends.      4 We аrеп't  Ьоrеd  in оur sports [esson.  (usuatty)
                      /'m ý*щr:tiп:*л  lote for school.
                 0О/о I'm **,;er  чпhарру.
               We use the present  simp[e with  adverbs of           5 Аrе you tired in the morning?  (often)
               frequency  to say how often we do things.
               j{*tt:  *flg*  tio  yt;u  qc; :;r;::а:Ьэсlr$ir;g?  ý   Put the words in order to make  questions.  Then
               ,i',  somglllne,1  .,:   "  .:...1  .,j,,,,  ;i;  ,1 1,1,-  write answers  that are true for you.
               With  the verb Ье, we put the аdчеrЬ after the vеrЬ
               and before the adjective.                             0 ptay  l уоч ltable  tennis  /  how often  l  do  l  ?
               Дr*,,*i; s*;**flrr;es  fl;,*# пilci, scl;*;il            Hpuy  ;i{rсц  dp  :iо|,,! l]|$r:  lc}le  lq,1,:1_:is:'
               Ies" l't;; *ffgд flr*d.  1'  i'it:, i'rп 1,1;t  *{t*tз  tirerl.  l  5  ;11l qtil_зcs  g  l,:_1,;  1л  г{с  lcl1 l]_iý,
               With оthеr vеrЬs  iп the present  simp[e,  we put the  1  уоu  and  уоur  friends  /  go  / often  /  saiting  l  do  l  ?
               adverb  Ьеfоrе the main vеrь.
               #*  _ycrl  *Г**п pl*;l  ho;kt,v  *l _эr:i;лоli'       2 you  /  sometimes  /  bored  l  аrе  l  at home  /  ?
               1т;,  J *f?*r;  ;:l*y  **ci,ry  ,: ijo, l Сс*'*  *{tеп  pltly
               |;*ckt:y,.                                            3 dinner/ how often  l  cook  l  you  l  do l  ?
               RеmеmЬеr,  we use леуеr with positive  verbs.
                                                                     4  уоur  best friend  /  how often  /  watch  /  does  /  ТV  /  ?
               i ;зсir*r gi: .;tlli.l;i:olllc;lcq,  lfis{  i#**:i;:t*.rеr,g*,.  ._,
                                                                     5 sometimes  /  do  /  you  go  /  alone  l  rчппiпg  l  ?

        l38 GRАlulмАR  пЕFЕRЕilсЕ дilD РRдстlGЕ
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