Page 140 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 140
ржýýýжY &&ýýYýжжýýý &ý€ý We use:
Ещ ржýýýжy ýýжрý-ж . the present simple to ta[k about things we do often
оr еvеrу day. We often use it with frequency adverbs
ý! SEE GПДММДП ПЕFЕRЕl{СЕ, SТДПТЕR, such as оftеп, usually always апd пеvеr.
We aft*п ecTf sclgd iп the sчmпзеr.
r'/ PпESEI{T SlMPtE рд&Е t38 . the present continuous to taIk about things we're
doing now оr at the moment. We often use it with
present continuous words such as поw, at the mоmепt апd today.
!'rп prepBr!пg mу sсhооl bar-l tзt f&e,fi*ýl*i?t.
Positive ] l'm 1amlwaking up,
You/We/They're (are) getting dressed Practice
I He7she7lt's (is) eating breakfast.
Negative l'm (аm) not brushing my hair. ý Write complete sentences in the present
You/We/They aren't (are not) going continuous.
to school. (orYou/We/They're not 0 Му Ьrоthеr / make sandwiches at the moment.
going to schoo[.) мч brother's makinq srlndwich*s rlt the mопзепt,
He/She/lt isn't (is not) helping. (or 1 We / serve diппеr поw.
He/She/ lt's not helping.)
Questions Am l eating [unch? 2 l / not going to school this morning.
Are you/we/they making breakfast?
ls he/she/it drinking hot chocolate? 3 What/you make?
Short Yes,lam.
anSWers I No, l'm not. 4 Му friends / not go cycling at the moment.
Yes, you/we/they аrе.
I 5 уоur best friend / sit next to you?
I No, you/we/they aren't.
(or vou/we/they're not.)
l Yes, he/she/it is. Э Choose the correct words to complete the
шо, ne7sne7it isn't. (or he/she/it's not.)
| Sentences.
1 We пеуеr eat l 'rе печеr еаtiпg diппеr at
SPýLLl*S; -ftr€ F{lЁ*i а restaurant.
2 l go 'm going swimming after school every day.
present continuous З Shh! Му ЬаЬу brother sleeps / Ъ s/eeping at the
most verbs add -ing go > gоiпg 4 What do you usually have l ore you usually hоviпg
brush > brushing for breakfast?
eot + eating 5 Аrеуоu wotch lwоtсhiпg TV поw? No,1'm поt f
verbs ending in -е: rеmоvе woke > woking it isn't.
-е and add -iл9 have > hoving 6 Му mum dоеsл't work l isn't wоrkiпg today. She's
оп hoIiday.
verbs ending in -ie: : Iie + lуiпg
change the -le to -у and 7 We always go аrе always goiпg to schoo[ Ьу bus.
add -iпg З Complete the sentences so they аrе true for you.
one-sy[[a Ь[е verbs ending getdressed+ getting 1 Fоr breakfast, l often
inaconsonant+avowe[ dressed
+ а consonant (except shop > shopping 2 Му friends and l sometimes
w, х оr у): double the
consonant and add -iпg after schooI
З At the moment, my best friend
two-sy[[ab[e verbs ending Ьеgiп э Ьеgiппiпg
in а stressed vowel + а (but ореп ) орепiпg) 4 l'm
consonant: doubIe the and shoes today.
consonant and add -iпg 5 Оп Fridау afternoon, l usual[y
ln British English, we trovel > trovelling
double the final liп trovel (American English бl поW.
trоvеl > traveling)
GRдммАR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ Аl{D рRдGтlсЕ 139