Page 21 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 21

             Think of ten more food words.  ln pairs, compare
             уочr  words.  Then ask and answer  these  questions.  щ
             l  What's  уоur  favourite  food?  What don't you [ike?  Э   Read the poster.  What  do you  think  of these  tips?
             2 What do you  have  fоr breakfast?
       t     З What time  do  уоu  have diппеr?  What do  уоu  have?  "J,lJ  а   Listen to the radio show. Yоu will hear  а woman

             4 What snacks  do  уоu  have  еvеrу day?
                                                                  asking six students  about getting up in the
                                                                  morning.  Match  each student  to the correct tip.
                                                                  There  is one tip you do not need.
              PROilU]lGlДTl0ll  i тhеsочпdlэ/
             l  4   Listen and  repeat.                           Student 1     Tip А
                                                                                Tig: В
                                                                  ýtudent  2
                                                                  Studeni  З    Tip С
                   breakfast  dinner vegetab[es                   Student  4    Tip  D
                                                                  Stцdепt  5    Tip  Е
                                                                  Student  6    Tip  F
                 Listen and repeat.  Circ[e the  /а/  sound in
           2a                                                                   Tip G
                 each word. Опе word has two  /а/  sounds.
                 which  word is it?                               Listen again and check. Тhеп  in sma[l  groups,
                                                            ?1    discuss the questions.
                 pasta  chocolate Ьапапа  saLad
                 tomato yoghurt  сuсumЬеr                         1 Which  of the tips  do you think аrе useful?
                                                                     Which аrе поt usefu1?
                                                                  2 Сап you think of other  tips fоr getting  up in
                                                                     the mоrпiпg?
                                                                  3 ls getting  up iп the mоrпiпg  easy  оr difficult
                                                                     for  уоu?

 l                         #,;..         В tidy  уочr  rооm        W         Read the

                                                                   page  20 again and fin
              ж                                        ё#          and or,
                                                 ffi               choose the
                                                 ж        *ъ;      sentences.
                                                                     at school.
                                                                     gets the bus,
                                                                   3 l eat lots of fruit   drink lots
             с  let in the suп         1j   ш                        of water"
                                                                   4 l like staying  up late   l can't
                                                                     do that  ciuring  the tveek.


                                            F чsе  уочr  brain!
  h           Е move!

                                                                   ideas to make their text better,

                                       G don't keep your
                                          alarm Ьу  уочr  bed

                                                                                         THIS lS мY DAY 2l

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