Page 26 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 26

1   Look at the photos. lп pairs,  ask and  answer  the questions.    \                    -чъ-.----
                1 ls it easy  to become  а famous  musician?
                2 How  do  реор[е  start  iп the music  business?
                3 How сап the iпtеrпеt  help  реорlе  to Ьесоmе  musicians?
             2   Read the article  quickly  and match the teenagers'  questions
                1-з to the advice  А-С.
        28                                                                                            1
                               lNG lN тнЕ                                             ,,..],.!;!й

        Read  on to find out how!

                    |'m а singer-songwriter.  l give
                    concerts  at а local club. Everyone
                    likes listening  to mу music and wants       Why not make а music video too? Then it doesn't
                    to buy а CD, What  can ldo next?'            matter where  you live. Ask your parents  оr someone
          Pete                                                   from school if it's okay, and they сап show you how
                                                                 to do it. Then  you can upload the video to а social
                                                                 network  like YouTube  оr lnstagram.  That's  how
                 2   Hi, l play  iп а band  with sоmе            shawn Mendes Ьесаmе famous!
                    friends  from school.  The others            Yоu already  write and perform  your  оwп songs.
         ý          aren't serious about music, but  l           Great!  Next  step:  record  an album using
                    am, Helpl Do l stay with  the band  оr       computer  software  and  post  it опliпе. You don't
         Shona      find other  musicians  to play with?         need  а record  deal.  College  courses  аrе а rеаllу
                                                                 useful way to lеаrп how to do this, and сап give
                 3   |'m 15 апd а rарреr. lrecord  my            you  other  ideas too, Ask  at  уоur  school,
                    songs and  put them  online.  l get lots  ,fii   Music is ап imроrtапt  раrt  of your  life. Stay with
                    of hits! But l live in the countryside  iV'   your friends  for the moment  but think about
                    апd there are по gigs here. lt's too         going  to а music school, These schools  teach
         Spark      far for me to travelto the city.  What       music and everything  you need to know  about
                    сап l do to Ьесоmе famous?                   becoming  а musician. Talk to your parents  about
                                                                 it, Good luck!

                Are the sentences  right (/) оr wrong  (Х)?

                1 Pete sells  CDs of his songs  at his concerts.       ru
                2 Pete needs to make ап album  with  а rесоrd company.  il=E
                з shona  is mоrе  interested  in music than hеr friends аrе  e*Е
                4 Shопа  needs to change  schoo[ as soon  as possible.        Аrе апу of your friends  musicians?
                5 Spark  lives а long  way from the city.                     Do any of  уоur  friends  upload  their
                6 Spark  doesn't  need  to  реrfоrm  live for  реор[е  to hеаr  music to the internet?
                  his music.                                                  Do you [ike listening  to music  оп the
                                                                              Which sites do you  рrеfеr?

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