Page 30 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 30

Read  the reviews  of the activity  days. Three of the reviews  have four
               stars and one has five stars. Which one do you think  has five stars?

           (,l                        LATEST
           34                         REvtEWS

           |'m rеаllу interested
           this was an amazing  day for
                                                   This was  my first  time iп а helicopter,  and l
           mе.  l still can't  believe  that  my
                                                   was quite  nervous.  l wasn't sure l wanted  to
           first driving  ехреriепсе  was in       do it. But there  was no need  to Ье afraid  -  in
           а Lamborghini  and  ап Aston            fact,  l was sоrrу  when  it was очеr! l was iп the
           Martin!  l've got а video of the
                                                   front seat and the view  was fantastic.  The
          whole  thing. l'm glad about  that,      опlу problem  was that  we were  back on the
           because  on the  day there's  no        ground  after опlу  ten minutes. }li0
          time  to look  at the  cars properly.
          As soon  as  уоu  finish,  the next
          driver  gets  in. l was а bit upset
          about that.                                                                     9

              Read the texts again  and  answer  the
              questions  with  а phrase  оr short апswеr,                      *ýt{э?l8ýý
              1 What does  Liam  [ike а lot?
              2 What wasn't Liam  аЬ[е  to do оп his      1  Look  at the texts. Find and  underline  the words  in the
                activity  day?                               Ьох. Match  some of them to the emojis.
              3 Was Jade's activity  day а present?      @
              4 What wasn't possible  in the wiпd
                tunne[?                                       afra  id  апgrу   gtad  happy      interested
              5 What  was Ethan's  favourite   раrt  of       пеrvоUS    sorry   su rрrisеd  upset  worried
                the day?                                     Wл
              6 Wеrе the photos  cheap?                              %        W.  W..          W.      W,,
              7 Was Mia пеrvоus  after  flying  in а            aj*#j;aл\Jч
              8 Was  Mia's helicopier  trip long оr short?   Choose  the соrrесt words to comp[ete  the sentences.
                                                             1 l'm so sоrrу  l  a{raicl  уач'rе  поt feeling  wеll!
                                                             2 l'm апgrу  /  пеrиошs  аlзоut mу piano  ехаm tоmоrrоw!
                                                               l don't feel rеаdу.
                                                             3 Му tittte brother's  сrуiпg" He's lpsef  / glod because  mу
                                                               пrum isn't there.
                                                             4 l'пr painting  а  рiсturе  at ihe monrent,  апd  l'm rеаi[у
                                                               hарру  lsшгрrкеd  with  it.
                                            ýrir*ýý:         5 Му mum's  ulorried  /  iлferesfed  about mу school wоrk,
                                                               but mу teacher  says it's fine.
                                                             6 l'm rеаllу  Elad l  апgrу you're hеrе at [astl  W1.1y  аrе you
      30 ut{lT 4                                               so late?
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