Page 92 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 92

1  Look at the photos. What  do you know about          Read the article  again  and  апswеr  the queýtions.
             Loch Ness and the Loch Ness Monster?
                                                                  1 When do  реор[е  think  they see things  оп
             Read the article  quickly  and  match the              the loch?
             pictures А-С to the paragraphs  1-3.                 2 What does  '[och'  mеап?
                                                                  3 How big is Loch  Ness?
      *                                                           4 which  has more water:  the lakes of wales
                                                                     and Engtand оr Loch  Ness?
 t+*                                                              5 Whеп  did peopte first see а mопstеr?




                                                      Loch  is the Scottish  Gaelic  word for'lake'.  Loch  Ness  is in
                                                      thc north of scotland  not far from lпчеrпеss.  The loch is
 *ь;_                                                 9З0  m deep  -  itЪ the second deepest loch in Scotland  -
                                                      Зб km long and  пеаrlу  3 km wide. ТhеrеЪ  mоrе  water in
                                                      Loch  Ness than all the water in all the lakes  in England  and
                                                      Walcs. ТhаtЪ  а lot of water for something  to hide inl

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   Е                                                              ffi                           оRкN€Y  sяд  lr  А ND
        The  weather around  the loch changes quickly,                                 МаiпldлС   о  кdwа! /stдýDs
        One minute  itЪ sunny,  the next itЪ cloudy,  the next                                               оkrф
        thеrеЪ а bit of rain, and then  itЪ suппу  again. lt can
        Ье а windy place,  too.  Clouds  move quickly  through
                                                                                   t7          Loch  Nes*
        the sky and оп sunny  days the clouds make shadows
        on the water,  ltъ easy to think you  see something  in
        the water. !иhеп  itъ foggy, the fog sits on the loch
                                                                        HEBRlDcS  *'i*o о
        and  it's possible  to think
                              уоu  See things  then too.                             ;
                                                                                      a   О   о  -otmlA"drcw\
   tr                                                                      !sIay      J7    *EDlNBURGH
                                                                                 Anun   оо'   о
       The story of the Loch Ness Monster/ or'Nessie'/                         J
       started  about  1,500  years  ago, Then people  called it                             Епg;dпd
       а giant  water  animal.  lп thc 1930s,  а new road beside        IJ   ITED      к  lHcDo      м
       the loch brought  morc people  to the аrеа  and  more     lREL^ND        ]5lё  al  |j.л   ь- Uoul1.1
        people  started to See more Strange things. lп fact,
   i   очеr 1,000 people  think they saw  а strange  animal  in
   t   the loch.
   1   There  are several photos  of some of the strange
    l   animals.  Could any of them Ье Nessie?
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