Page 87 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 87
8вакреаlmd ý8ýжý
ln Eng[ish, it's possible to make пеw words t;э ц Listen to Rob talking to а friend about а visit to
Ьу putting two words together: bus + stop = о Edinburgh. Which place did Rob visit at each time?
bus stop. These аrе called compound nouns. 0 Fridау evening 5
Sometimes they аrе written as опе word and Times PIaces
sometimes as two. Do you do this in уоur
[anguage too? 1 Saturday morning п А Scottish Par[iament ii
{{ 2 Saturday afternoon п В O[d Town ii li
3 Saturday evening п с Theatre ,I i
1 Look at the map, text and Exercises оп page 84, 4 Sunday morning п D New Тоwп ]l i
and find 12 compound nouns.
5 Sunday afternoon п Е Museum
2 Match the words on the left of the Ьох to the F Edinburgh Cast[e
words on the right to make compound поuпs. G CathedraI
Ф Remember some аrе опе word and some are two. Н Holyroodhouse
ln pairs, compare уочr answers. Listen again and
post guide 1Ф8 check.
cycle tоur
waIking coat
guide са rd t
tou r book 9 t \ l
ra in tou r
_ Listen and check. Тhеп repeat жж
з Complete the sentences with compound nouns Аý,ýrtiбiе
from Exercise 2. Look at the article about Edinburgh
1 l found а with а rеаllу пiсе picture on it again and find attthe examples of thb and fhese,
Then comp[ete the раrаgrарh about London with
to send to mу friend.
2 l'm glad l wоrе а yesterday because the thls or these.
weather was terrible.
З Our
al} was so funny. I toved hеr stories Lопdоп is the capital city о[ Епзlапd, апd hаs
about the city. lots of interestinз buildings уоu сап visit. Опе о[
4 That was fun, but my feet hurt now!
5 l rеаd iп the that this castle is 1,000 is Buckin5ham Palace, the Очееп's
years old" was brilliant, We rоdе ail аrоuпd Lопdоп hоmе. Frоm hеrе you сап walk to St
6 The
James's Park.
is а lovely place to
l рRol{U]lGlдтl0il i i Соmрочпd поцпý stop [оr а rest апd а picnic. Many people like to
the city,
see shows whеп thеу are in Lопdоп, You сап
get tickets for _
. . oniine оr iп Leicester
Square. And don't forget about Harrodsl
-I (,l 4 Listen to the compound почпs and shор is [amous around the world.
underline the stressed words.
су,_с_!е, ttur
lп compound nollns, which word do we
usually stress? Listen again and repeat
the words.
GETTI]{G дRllUI{D тOW1{ 87