Page 82 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 82
1 Read the magazine article. Match the photos A-D to the paragraphs 1-З
2 Choose the correct headings a-d for the paragraphs 1-З. There is опе
heading you don't need.
а Different kinds of running races с Att the ways running is good fоr you
Ь Some problems with running d Reasons why ruппiпg is popular
What is so great about i
l r In the past, people didn't need sports like
running to siay heolthy becouse they
wеrе чеrу qctive. But these days, many о{ us
spend most of the day sitting down. This meqns
we need to get some exercise in оur lree time,
ond running is а cheap ond eosy woy to do it. ItЪ l
mоrе fun than doing boring exercises in о gym,
стnd сII you need is а good pair о{ troiners and
some comfortqb]e clothes. AIso, itЪ а sport that *
people can do at ony age - for example Faujc ,ffijlffiй,е*&
Singh finished q mcrqthon ot the age of l0tl
То make running interesting, you con
enter q race. Fuп runs сrre veTy popular.
These сtre often 5 km long сrnd сrе greot fоr
beginners. You сqп run with уоur friends
and maybe dress up. Fоr fitter people,
there qrе hclf-mcrcthons, mqrathons,
or ечеп ultra-mcrrcthons. These сqп Ье
70-400 km long. One of the most fqmous
is the Мсlrсthоп des scbles which tqkes six
dcys and goes through the Sоhаrq desert.
9 Running is fun cnd scientists say it is
one of the best ways to keep fit. However,
mcxke sure you don't do it every day - it's
importont to hqче с rest between runs. Running
improves the hea]th of olmost every pcrt of your
body, including your brcin. It ccrn mcke you {eel
happier cnd hec]thier, cnd live longer. It also
you gо
helps you sleep well, сrnd thclt gives you the would you
energy to enjoy уоur life more. Perhops it's the Do you think
perfect sport!