Page 81 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 81
gýr*gýýd/ sýýgýýýdg'f ý Соrrесt the mistakes in the sentences.
,ё r t think you should to Ьriпg в sсаrf.
2 Yоu shoud go to the dcctor"
1 Look at these examples frоm the conversations. 3 i should to go tc bed earlier,
Тhеп choose the correct words to complete 4 You aren't wеi[. Yоu stay at home todail.
the rules.
5 You don't сOmе to mу hоusе today - i am ilt,
You shouldn't wa[k оп that [eg. 6 Yоu по should watch ТV all day.
You should go to bed.
1 Wе use s,ф**j# and s**яl#,т'l to give Bdvice l РпOilllilGlДтt0Ш . Sitentconsonants
2 We use sjз*gJ* to say something is а goad l 5 Some words in English have silent
bod idea, consonants. Find one silent consonant in
3 We use;j;*{",ldл'l to say something is а good l each word.
bod idea.
4 The vеrЬ after s&*i;ld is always / леиеr the casýte ctimb hatf knife
infi nitive without'to', Iisten shou ld tatk walk
wouId Wrong Wrote
2 Look at these examples from the conversations
you heard оп page 80. Match the questions to ф tirt"n and check. Then repeat.
the answers. Notice how wе make questions with
l should ... + Shoutd l ... ? Read the example conversation. Have simi[ar
1 Should l stop doing sport? conversations with your partner. Choose а
2 should l take some medicine? different question from the Ьох each time.
3 When should l drink it? Use health problems and advice from this lesson,
or use уоur оwп ideas.
а No, уоu shouldn't.
Ь Every evening before bed.
с Yes, уоu should. What's wrопg?
What's the matter?
Ф lirt"n and check. Then repeat. Аrе you ОК?
))спшпtлR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ At{Il рRдстlсЕ р&ýý |ý8
What's the matter?
З Read the problems 1-8 and choose the correct
advice for each опе a-h. Тhеп complete the advice
with shoиld/shouldn't. Тhеrе may Ье more than
опе possible апswеr.
1 Му hand hurts а bit today. |'ve got а
2 l've got а pain in my foot. temperature.
З l've got а headache and а temperature. What shou[d
4 l feel а bit sick. l do?
5 Му eyes hurt,
6 l can't move my leg at al[. l think it's broken.
7 l feelvery tired.
8 l've got а bad cold. You shou[d
rest. You shou[d
а Yоu go to bed еаr[iеr. also drink lots
Ь You take some medicine and go to bed. you
of water.
с Yоu р[ау tennis. shouldn't go
d Yоu go to school.
е You .,. . wеаr mоrе comfortable shoes. to schoo[.
f You go to hospital.
g You eat anything.
h You stop watching TV,