Page 78 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 78
1 Comp[ete the sentences with the words in 1 Choose the соrrесt words to complete
the Ьох. the Sentences.
1 l bought а пеw T-shirt because mу l miпеis oId,
bright di€itat discount
download keyboard pocket 2 Do you have апу l0 present fоr me?
tablet wallet woo[ 3 l [ove my rооm because it's bigger l biEgest
than mу o[d rооm.
4 You сап find different bands апd the betferl
0 l really tike that пеw ;ll.1il-il саmеrа.
1 This соmрutеr was 1500 last лvееk, Nоw it's best music at the festival.
f425, That's а big ф Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
2 Му jumреr's made of lt's really wаrm!
3 Му dad gave me а for mу birthday. ,And 5 You can wеаr уоurs sроrts clothes.
he put f20 in itl 6 l bought а пеw jeans and а shirt.
7 l bought them because they wеrе mоrе cheap -
4 l wапt to iэuу а пеw coat. l like that опе, Llut it's
опlу got опе they cost only f5 each!
5 The trainers аrе all too . l рrеfеr pale 8 lt was the great ho[iday ever.
соlоu rs.
6 The оп that пеw computer is very
smаll. lt's clifficutt to see the ietters.
7 Most реорlе music frоm the internet
these days. They don'i lэuу CDs оr rесоrds"
8 At mу пеw schooi, a[l the students have а
оr а iaptop. They dоп't have books.
put the words in the correct column.
boots сар со[а сrеаm
е-rеаdеr g[oves grареs laptop
[emonade mineralwater mеmоrу
mоusе mushroom noodles
omelette scarf sсrееп socks
software speaker suit
swimming costume tie virus
Food and drink Clothes Technology
3 Use the pictures to write sentences with for
l pllyed tеппis with mу frieпd fаr twa haurs
78 RЕчlЕW 3