Page 73 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 73


                           ýыреrýаtývв  *dj*Btýv**

          1   Lookattheexamplesofsuperlativeadjectives.Read  Didyouknow...  ?onpage72
             again and find alt the superlatives.
             the fastest internet  iп the wоrld   the most  рорulаr   games console

              Short adjectives
              one syl[ab[e  one sy[[able  ending  two syl[ables  ending  one syllab[e  ending  iп  use the most
                            ine                iпу                vowe1  consonant
              add -*.:i     add -sf            change  to -les*   doub[e the [ast letter  use ii;; i?]*"!i  +
                                                                  and add -*s*
              quiet  - quiet*;t  пlсе  - пlсеý:  dirty  - dirti*st  big - Ьiggеэt      expenslve  -  {** гtl*ýt

          )спшмлR     пЕFЕRЕllGЕ  дllп  pRAcTlcE  рýýЕ t49  W      РПOilUilGlДТl(lШ  i st."r, in superlatives

          ъ  Read the rules above  and  complete  the table with
          ý.                                                    *' S   Listen and repeat  the words.  Then put
             comparatives  and superlatives.                           them  into  the correct соlчmп  of the table.
              Adjective  IComparative     Superlative                   the biggest  the cleverest

              Regular                                                   the friendliest  the most exciting
              big         bigger          the biggest                   the most expensive  the nicest
              famous      mоrе famous     the mostfomaus                the quickest  the worst
              еаrlу                                                     о0      оOо      оOоо  оооOо
 -            thin

              beautifuI                                                         j.r] q i.'::-.] i
                                                                   :-.i}j  Listen again and check.
              lrregu  la r                                          89
                                                               6   Look  at the three  mobile phones.  lп pairs,  соmраrе
           : Complete  the sentences with the superlative  form    them. Use some  of the adjectives in the Ьох.
             of the adjectives.                                                                   good/bad
             1 Му dad has the       (good)  соmрutеr in оur          big/smatt  cheap/expensive
             2 Му taptop  is the     (tight) опе you сап buy.     А: Ihе High  Star's battery  is better than the Cloud  7's
             3 The         (popuiar)  website  аmопg  my             battery.
               friends  is  yоuтuье"                               Bz The Bluebird's  battery  is the worst.
             4 This smartphone  has the     (big) sсrееп of

               а[1 the ones iп the shop.  Do you like it?
             5 The         (bad)  thing  about my соmрutеr is
               the mоusе" lt doesn't wоrk  рrореrlу.
             6 Му mum's  phone  is the     (otd)  опе in оur                          Bluebird

               family"                                          Price     High  Star  fз55        Ctord,7
           ,.  correct  the mistakes  in the sentences.         ]ýizý     115X58X9mm  116х61 х12mm  1з5х67х17mm
          оl t  Footbatl  is the famous  game in the world.     W9ight    1з0 g       1l1  а      155 g
             2 The Ьеttег  time  t0 cOme to mу hоusе  is 5.З0.  EaýV to use'          *r**        *
             З The  еаsiеr wау to trачеl thеге is Ьу bus.
             4 Wеаr the оldеr  clothes  уоu'vё   got to do this  job.  Саmеrа                     ***
             5 Му rооm  is the bigger in the house.             Battery]  я*          Ё

                                                               7 >    Work  with  а partner.  Go to  раgе  124.

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