Page 69 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 69
бlý rrr €Еý
1 Read what Nicky thinks and complete the sentences
with fhe sorne or different.
1 Wе use *5 ",. *-ý to say that two things аrе
2 Wе usе !,:r| {:;, ,.,,1:1, t0 say that two things аrе
Compare the pairs of things using os ... os or лоt os .., os.
0 oranges ... lеmопs
Оrвпgеs аrе as hеаlttзу as |еmопs, /
Lеmопs gre not а5 sи/ееt 0s оrапgеS.
1 trains ... buses comfortable / slow
2 maths .,, English еоsу / iпtеrеstiпg !,. l| 1-|)||.|.'.:
3 cats ... dogs friепdlу / поisу
4 уоur country ., the UK hot / big
5 Сristiапо Rопаldо (Ьоrп 19В5) ... young fomous
Маrсus Rashford (Ьоrп 1997)
:] .--- :
3 Read the rules. Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the Ьох and then complete the table.
Ьеа utifu I busy cold dirty exciting fat funny hard hot large late
long new popular tatt thin
Short adjectives Long а
опе syllabte one syl[ab[e ending in е two sy[[ables ending in у one syllable ending
,? in voweI consonant
add -*r add -r change у to -i*г doub[e the last letter use ff:*l* + adjective
and add -*l=
short - short*r nice - nicer heatthy healthi*y big - bigger expensive - r*ýi*
1 } еппммлп пЕFЕRЕilGЕ дt{D рRдGтIGЕ рý&ý ,ýý
к correct the mistakes in the sentences. ý Think of two different things for each category.
./ 1 ;he tickets fоr adults cost l25, but the tickets for 1 sports il,,,:,:l.:, :,,,::l,:l.,:
siudents аrе mоrе cheaper, 2 foods
2 The сOпсе j,t is vеrу bigger and has lats of famous З ways of traveiling
si ngers. 4 jobs
З This bag is not lэig as my last опе. 5 things уоu wеаr
: i's cold hеrе so Ьriпg some wаrmеr clothes" 6 restaurants yOu g0 to
5 ivaS mоrе tuckier than mу friends.
: , Jrink was not expensive as yo{.]rs. ln pairs, write sentences to соmраrе the two
things. Use adjectives from Exercise З and апу
other adjectives you know. Work in groups and
check each other's sentences.
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