Page 74 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 74
I 0rOund BG to
205вG тhе оьосus
People still use obocuses todoy in mопу рогts of
. l, .,.]] .:l .i. i о the world, especiolly to teoch moths to сhildrеп. Of
]]'.] ':::l ]'.,.;' i:;- .: :_'ll]i l]. :,, _:'::l
coursel they оrе very dififerent frоm mоdеrп соmрutеrs,
lп l900, о group of people diving пеоr but thе ideo is ihe some - to onswer difficult moths
the Greek islond о[ Antikythero found this questions muсh mоrе quickly thоп о humon соп.
mochine on the seo flооr. Fоr mопу уеоrs, no
опе understood whot it wos оr how ii worked
Scientisis поw soy ii wos used to find out the
positions of the sun, moon опd stors. Мопу
people coll it the world's eorliest 'соmрutеr'.
.,.,i.l,,],1 . il,;- i] 1,)l_].: :,lll, ..'., ll. 1.,:l'.....' lll,..:
Тhе mоdеrп соmрutеr wos Сhоrlеs Bobboge's ideo. Тhе
mосhiпе hе wonted to build, colled о 'difference епgiпе'.
I 940s wos speciol becouse it hod oll the роrts thoi о mоdеrп
соmрutеr hos. lt could sove iпfогmоtiоп ond wos olso
о о kind of рriпtеr. Ado Loveloce wos the first соmрчtеr
Аlоп Тuriпg wosn't well known when hе wos рrоgrоmmег. She hod the ideo fоr 'softwore' * о woy о{
telling о соmрuiеr to do different things.
olive, but he's поw опе of the most fomous
scientists of the 2Oth сепturу. His ideos оп
соmрutеr science chonged the wоrld. Не
worked оп the first digitol соmрutеr - it wos
colled Colossus, weighed ЗО tonnes, ond
wos os big os о lorge living rооm.
Do you know the names of апу еаrlу
t,llI computers? Read the article once and
check your ideas.
Modern cýnrpLJte!.ý ' Complete the sentences with one or two
Frоm the l950s, computers got smoller, words from the article.
foster ond сhеореr. Todoy, ihe smollest
mobile рhопеs hоче mоrе mеmоrу thqп ihe 1 some children use ап abacus to [еаrп
howto do
biggest еогlу computers, And computers оrе 2 Charles Babbage's computer had
getting Ьеttег oll the time. However, thеу
severaI different
оrе not реrfесt. Опе of thе worst рrоЫеms 3 The first
реrsоп to
is соmрutеr viruses. Yоu соп lose о lot оf computer was рrоgrаm а
informotion whеп one gets оп уочr mochine. . _,....,,....,,,..
5 Modern
Ве соrеful oboui whol you downlood frоm 4 Colossus was as big as а
the internet. аrе sma[[ but сап do
mоrе than the biggest computers of
the past.
Computers can now do а lot of clever
things. But аrе they more inte[ligent
than us? Why / Why not?
1ц ц*aт