Page 75 - Prepare-2-SB_Neat
P. 75
I **жрtзtаrs ап* the iпtеrпеt
1 Look at the article again and find the words in the ý1 Listen to and read the first part ofthe
conversation and look at Question 0. Which is the
Ф Ьох. Match them to the definitions. correct answer: А, В or С? Why are the other two
-1 ne answers wrong?
l digitat download memory
save softwa rе Ella: Nice пеw [aptop Andy! When did you get it?
Andy: Yesterday. Му old one Ьrоkе а month ago,
1 This has moving parts and helps humans to and last week Dad agreed to Ьuу me this.
do wоrk.
2 This is а part of а computer - it ho[ds 0 Whеп did Andy get his пеw computer?
information. А уеstеrdау В last week С а month ago
3 This is а dangerous computer рrоgrаm, *ll Listen to the whole conversation. Fоr each
4 You do this to make sure the computer keeps gi frfu question, choose the correct answer.
your work. о
] 5 This describes саmеrаs, computers апd clocks 1 Andy]s dad bought the computer frоm
that rесоrd information as 0s оr 1s, Aawebsite. Bashop. Cafriend.
6 This means to сору information frоm the 2 How much did it cost?
internet onto your соmрutеr, А я150 в ,250 с я2,000
7 This is a[[the рrоgrаms that make а computer do З What does Andy want to buy fоr the соmрutеr?
different things. А асаmеrа В amouse С арriпtеr
4 Andy doesn't use his соmрutеr to
2 Match the verbs to the nouns.'Then make А do homework. В chat to friends.
С play games.
е sentences. 5 What does Andy like most about the соmрutеr?
buy friends А the keyboard В the sсrееп С the speakers
ch at cIothes *t ln pairs, соmраrе уочr answers. Then listen again
downIoad gameS and check your answers.
gо the i nternet
ptay music
su rf online i
visit videos Б а t r
watch websites
l оftеп chot опliпе with mу causins.
3 Read the survey. Choose three or four questions
and write two more of your оwп. Wa[k around the
class asking your questions. Morgan write the email?
Iъ{у laptop Ьrсk* y*s-terday, gлg i пееd to
get а пеw *пе. Tei! mе abcut yýui, n*Tf
сопfiрUтЕR ýURVEY сопrрutеr. Wh*п did 1r*u get it? Ноw- mu*h
did it cost? $;irýt's the h*ci thlng ab*ut it?
О Wnat sort of things do you download from ýsst ,l.J!she*,
the internet?
О Do you know how to stop а virus frоm
getting onto your computer? _]
О How much memory has your рhопе got?
ls it enough?
О Do you ever forget to save your work?
О How often do you chat to friends опliпе?
I Write some sentences about what you fоuпd out.
=-;erybody dаwпlоаds music апd half fhe closs
:аъчпlооds games frоm the iпtеrпеt.
=эur people sometimes {orget to save their work.
ttзstреорlе chat to friепds опliпе every doy.