Page 111 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 111
much, mony and a lot of
8 Cross outthe if it is incorrect. ,,. ,' , r ,
1 My favourite l<ind of the music is the hip hop. ,r. We use much, many and a tot of to talk about quantity.
M1 favourilo kind of ths muric is thr hip hcp We use much with uncountable nouns. We use manywilh
2 I don't lil<e the zoos because the animals always countable nouns.
look unhappy. Frrnr-'n pe opla don'l drinr much te.a.
3 Tal<e the third road on the right - the church Are thrre r,an1 pedorrrrz,r 6r0iir(1Ji in ihe tor^rn rrnira?
is on the teft.
4 I never drinkthe coffee in the evening. :'r . ',, We use a lot of (or lots of) with countable and
uncountabte nouns.
5 l'm not realty into the sport, but I sometimes play the
tennis at the weekend. 9'\\ Galei r,a3 g0i a loi o(/lo"tr of mor.e1
Tharu ari: a lot o{llols o{ rcadl,rorka in Lorrdon
6 I don't eat the chocolate very often - I prefer the heatthy
snacks, [ike the fruit.
We often use much and many in negative sentences and
7 She wouldn't go in the swimming pooton hotiday
questions. We don't often use them in affirmative sentences.
because the water was freezing.
v,ts didn't oa"l mu,:h flod, or r(e Cidn'i par a iot of {ocd.
\Ne.m ihere r.rar1 pecple ai thr partl? or tharr a lci o{
9 Complete the text with a, on, the or - (no articte). ',(err
1- oeopir at the parl1?
My grandparents live in beautifut cottage near flarlotta's got a \ot nf monei /
sea. ' cottage is in rrrtl viltage Lharlotte'l qot much mone1. X
catled Frimpton. lt's 5- quiet place - there .r.r;t ,ny
caf6s or restaurants. But there's u- primary school Articles
and a church. My grandparents' cottage is next to '-
church. tourists often visit Frimpton, especiatly r:l , We use o before singuiar countable nouns when we tatk
e- to- about something for the first time.
when weather is nice in summer.
We use fhe when we talk about something again,
same and any l've got a ea'i and a dog. The al's *a\\sd f,oo and thr dog'r
, ,11",r q.1r.
LattL u uart'1.
We usualty use sorne in affirmative sentences and anyin
I had a ?izr.a and a tcttr,r..Tha pina r,rae grr.a1 bu'i ths. co{foa
negative sentences and questions.
r.iaS avifUl.
Tharv aro soma traf{ic lighis at tha rnd cf the. road.
Therp'c som? pasta on tabla. r.: ,,: r We use fhe when it is clear what we are talking about.
I'zium'r rn tho Kiicnen (the kitchen in our house)
lne 40q 00e 5n I wanl ,n.{ DrScUllS
Thr riatron it ntar lho p.lrt. (There's onty one station and one
Thrl havrn'i qri any mon?1.
park in our town.)
Ars thsrs anl rinema$ in lour tol'rn? Thr man in thr lellor,t jackf"i ir m1 unelr. (We knowwhich man -
Do 1ou neoC an1 hoip? he's wearing a yetlow iacket.)
., . .,. We usuallv use solne when we offer or ask for something. r:,, 'r, We use a when we say what somebody or something is.
ulou\d lcLr \iY-o *anr, lea? Livrpool is a .il'{ in u'rgland
lan I borrour rome monrl? hob s a iali orire r
Mozart war a grral rcfilposrr
a little, o few We use a when we say what somebody or something is tike.
',l , ': We use o little with uncountabte nouns. We use a fewwilh teotland is a brar-lli{url countrl.
countable nouns. lhat'l a nia dress. Whe ra did 1r'i bu1 ii2
l'ulia ata a \i11\o ricy Hr'r a good-iooHin$ yoLlflci man.
Mi(8. ai8 a lo\N thiP5.
.,., :,r We use the when there is onty one of something.
thr sun, thr North taa, thr rK1, thr moon, thr. u.rorld
';l r ., We don't use fhe when we are maklng generalisations.
I don't lire r.laeeical rnusrc.
l:ilna flevar drinl-s 1ra or co[\ae.