Page 107 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 107

Present simple                                           Present continuous
            We form the present simpte tike this:               ,,1.,r1 We form the present continuous  tike this:
                                                                r  the correct  form of be + the -ing  form of the main verb.
                                                                 Danial is eaiing. / Arr  1ou  plaling?
                                  we play
        you ptay                  you play                      .r ,, ::l Spetling: verb + -ing form
                                                                We add  -ing to the end of most verbs.
        he/she/it plays           they play
                                                                  play+-ing-playing             study+  -ing-  studying
       Spetling:  3rd person singutar (he/she/it)
                                                                lf the verb ends in a consonant + -e,  we usualty drop the
       We add  -s  to the end of most verbs.                    -e  and add  -lng.
          +-s        start r  starts      play  -   plays         -e  -ing      write  -  writing  make  -  making
       We add -es if the verb ends in -ch, -ss, -sh or -o.
          + -eS      teach  +  teaches    mlss -r mrSses            We use the present continuous:
                     do -  does           go + goes             .  for something that is happening  now.
       lfthe verb ends in a consonant + -y,  we change  -y to i and  Loorl lt'r raining
       add  -es.                                                .  for something that is happening temporarity,  not
          'Y'  'ies  study *  studies     Carry -f carrieS       necessarily at the moment of speaking.
                                                                 M1 murn'o loarning    in tha aveninga.
       'i  -t
                                                                .  for arrangements in the future.
       .lll:';'lltltll  lllf :lili;lll'lilliili:ilt,:.r.         inle're p\a1ing tennis  iomorro\^r
                                                                We don't use the present continuous:
       ,il il lilli'ii  lli.i'r,lilliiiliiit,,,,,,
        I do,lnot play           I don't play                   .  with certain verbs, e.g. believe, hate,  like, love, need,  know,
                                                                  prefer,  want.
        you do not ptay          you dont pfiy
                                                                 I lik*  'ihis  muoic.  (NOT  lHi+d-frSthis-ffitrsirJ
        he/she/it does not play  helshelit  doesn't  play
        you,do  not play         you dontt  play
                                                               Verb + infinitive or -ing form
        we do not play           we donlt ptay
                                                                    When we put two verbs  together, the second  verb is
        they, do not  ptay       they don't p[a:y               usualty in the infinitive orthe -ing  farm.
                                                                t vrant to go homo.  (infinitive)*"l:lallilii:ii'   .
       illl'l:iiil'la,lllarliral:,!rr!.'r;)rrj:1:.:ri  .
                         :.,,ili::itlllilliiligiirtli*ltllil|iiilr:trt{lililllltiiliiliilll1ilit}rill}lli]i|llill*ili  John suggestad  plallng chess  (-ing form)
                                                               gdIi*h  ioonagert  iiKe 1o watch TV /  gritish
        Do l ptay ...?           Yes,  I do;  I No, l,donit.                                      iaanagers  liKe
                                                               waiching  TV. (infinitive form)
        Do you play  ...?        Yes, you do. /  No, you don't.
        Does he/she/it play  ...?  Yes, she does. /  No, she    ,i., itlr Betow is a list of verbs  that are fottowed by the infinitive,
                                 doesn't.                       the  -ing  form, or both.
        Do we/)roulthey ptay  ...?  Yes, we/you/they  do. /
                                 No, we/you/they  don't.
       ,:. , :ir We use the present simpte:
                                                                agree    offBr    avoid       fin ish   begin
       .  for something that always  happens or happens regularly
         (e.g. every week, often,  sometimes).                  decide   prepale  can't  help  rmagrne  contin u'e
         5al\1 clclelio  schoo\ evarl da1                       expeqt   pretend  can't stand  pl aCtise  h'ate  I
       .  for facts.
                                                                fail     prom!5e  spend time  don,'t mind  til<e
         Lowr oat grass.
                                                                n ope    refuse   enloy       suggest
       .  with certain verbs that are not used in continuous  tenses,                                   love''  r
         e,g. believe, hate, like, love,  need,  know, prefer,  want.  manage  Seem  '  fancy           prerer
         I likg thi$ mu*ic. (NOT  fm-++t<lnf*+srffrsit-)        mean  want        feet tike             Start,
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