Page 104 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 104

E$met $                                                 I Rd;fl  I  €'"
         1 Write the words for the peopte  who commit these crimes.
                                                                 6  tvtatch the titles  (1-6)  with the types of book  (a-0.
              arson    a$aIi$t
                                                                    1  Quicl<  meals            a  textbook
            1 burglary              4 shoptifting                   2 My best years
           2 murder                 5  joyriding                                                b  biography
                                                                    3 French  for beginners     c  cookbook
           3 vandalism              6 robbery
                                                                    4 Travelling in Africa      d  manuat
                                                Mark:  16           5 How to use your phone     e  auroDrograpnv
                                                                    5 Chopin: his tife          f  guidebook
         2  tvtatch  the words (1-6) with a-e to make compound nouns.                                   Mark:     16
            l  junl<                a  word
            2 computer              b  account                      Complete  the text with the words below.
            3 pass                  c  programmer
                                                                    chapter  cha:'acters epilcgue fema[* [ead ptot sequei
            4 bank                  d  information                            1-
            5 personal              e  email                        Atl the main     are introduced  in the first'?
                                                                    This includes the '   ,  Tara,  a girt with strange powers.
            5 cash                  f  machine                         a-
                                                                    The       is futt of exciting action. At the end of the book,
                                                Mark:  le                       5-
                                                                    there's  a short   and in it, we learn thatTara  actuatly
                                                                    died 100 years  before  the story beginsl  I realty toved this
            Complete  the emait. Use the past perfect form of the verbs
                                                                    bool<, and I hope there't[  be a '   soon.
                                                                                                         Mark:  l0
            not br-ly {omr  nrlt dG ejrinlc drr:p sp*n<tr                                     -
            HiAhmed                                              8
                                         1-                         Complete  the sentences about  London tife. Use the present
            My parents got bacl<  tast night. They   the weekend in
                                                                    or past simple  passive  form of the verbs below.
            Brighton visiting my grandma.  They weren't too happy with
                2-                              3*-                 h*[d [**ve speak Llse visit !ryear
            mel I      any washing up atl weekend. I   atl the
            mitk and juice,  and I   any food. A friend  of mine    1 About 300 languages      in London.
            5-     round  to watch a DVD  on Saturday  night and he  2 The British Museum    by about 4.5 miltion people
                       on the sofa. l'm in big trouble!                last year.       -
                                                Mark:    16         3 Large  blacl< hats   by the guards outside
                                                                       Buckingham Palace.
         lt  Rewrite  the sentences using reported  speech.         4 About 100,000 mobile phones     in London  taxis
                                                                       [ast year.
            1 'Ettie can use my phone,'  said my brother.
            2 'lt's too cotd to play volleybal[,'  said Laura.      5 The London Underground      by 4 mittion  people
            3 'l did my homework,'  said my sister.                    a day.
            4 'l'm not laughing,'  said my dad.                     6 The first Notting HitlcarnivaI   in 1964.
            5 'The soup tastes funny,' said Grace.                                                       Mark:    16
            5 'l don't want to watch  W,' said  Jenny.
                                                Mark:    16         Rewrite  the sentences in the passive.
                                                                    1 Somebody has stoten my  f  acl<et.
            Put the [ines of the diatogue  in the correct order.    2 They'll  wash your  car while it's in the car park.
            a  I   When  did you [ast have the bag?                 3 Somebody  witl ring a bell when it's time for dinner.
            b  !   Ves,  I went straight  bacl<  but it had disappeared.  4 They've  buitt a tot of new houses in the capital.
            c  E   Have you been bacl< to the park to see if it's there?  5 They've  made  cheese  in this village for centuries.
            A  fl   Hetlo. What can I do foryou?                    5 0ne day, they'tl onty sell music ontine.
            e  I   nbout  two hours ago in the park.                                                     Marl<:  16
            f   I   l'a like to report a theft. Somebody has stolen
                  my bag.
                                                Marl<: _.  /6

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