Page 101 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 101

Complete  the questions  with the words below.  Use each
                                                                7 iffi+-e4  Read and listen to the song.  Who is the singer
          question  word once only.
                                                                   talking to? Choose a, b or c.
          How many What When Which Who Why                         a a person  she bit and made  into a vampire
          1  \Nhen  was lnterview  with the Vampire  pubtished?    b a person  who bit her and made her a vampire
          2             Ihe Vampire  Chroniclest                   c a person  she danced  with who later became  a vampire
          3             of the novels have  been sold?
          4  -wrote
                   did Stephenie Meyer write immediately  after the
             last chapter of Twilighfl
          5  -     did Bram Stoker's famity  take legal  action?
          6        themes do vampire stories often dealwith?
       6 ffiffillffi  Work in pairs. Ask and answer  the questions  in
            -                                                         There's  a crick in the mirror
          exercise 5.
                                                                      And a bloodstain  on the bed
                                                                      Theret a crack  in the mirror
                                                                      And a bloodstain  on the bed
                                                                      Oh you were a vampire and baby
                                                                      l'm the walking dead
                                                                      Oh you were a vampire and baby
                                                                      l'm the walking dead

                                                                      I got the ways and means
                                                                      To New Orleans
                                                                      l'm going down by the river
                                                                      Where it's warm and green
                                                                      l'm gonna have a drink, and walk around
                                                                      I got a lot to think about oh yeah
                                                                      There's  a rocking chair by the window
                                                                      Down the hall
                                                                      I hear something  there in the shadow
                                                                      Down the hall
                                                                      Oh you were a vampire and now I am
                                                                      Nothing at all
                                                                      Oh you were  a vampire and now I am
                                                                      Nothing at all
                                                                      I got the ways and means
                                                                      To New Orleans
                                                                      l'm going down by the river
                                                                      Where it's warm and green
                                                                      l'm gonna have a drink,  and walk around
                                                                      I got a lot to think about oh yeah

                                                                8  Gffiffif  Work in pairs.  Ask and answer  the questions.

                                                                   1 Would  you like to be a writer?  Why?/Why  not?
                                                                   2 What kind of book would be most interesting  to write,
                                                                     in your  opinion?  (novel, cookbook, travel guide,  etc.)
                                                                     Explain your choice.

                                                                                              Unit 10  *  The written wora  99  '
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