Page 96 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 96

                                                           Vocabutary r publications  r  books  and text r words  retated to [iterature
                                                           Grammar  r  the  passive  (present  and past  simple)
                                                           r the passive  (present  perfect  and future)
                                                           Speaking  r  talking about reading  habits  r  arranging  to meet
                                                           Writing  r  an informal letter

        I  ffitrr&t  What  was the last bookyou read? Did you enjoy  5  ffimA  Work in pairs.  Do you recognise any of these
           it? Who wrote  it? Tetlyour partner.                     characters?  What books are they from? reiiqewEe.:q.s;:
        2   EEEilEIEM Divide  the tist of publications  below into two
           groups:  fiction  and non-fiction.
           Pubtications  atlas autobiography  biography  comic
           cookbool< dictionary encyclopaedia  grammarbook
           guidebook  magazine manual newspaper  novel
           play short story textbool<  thesaurus

        f  i#,$Agl*.frF!ffi.,8t+._t  Listen, repeat and check.
           Underline the stress in each word.

        4 Mttfitllliil  Which publication from exercise  2 would you
           read if you wanted to:
           1 read the story of a person's [ife, written by that person?
           2 read the story of a person's [ife, written by someone
           3 find out which  countries are next to Egypt?
           4 [earn  how your new  HD W works?
           5 took up a word you don't understand?
           6 read something written  for the theatre?
           7 read stories with lots of pictures and not many words?  6  Match  the books from exercise 5 with five of the authors
           8 find information  about  rainforests?                  below. Do you know any other books by these authors?
           9 read the latest gossip about  pop stars?
                                                                    Jane Austen Arthur  Conan Doyle Charles  Dickerrs
          10 read a [ong fictionatwork?
                                                                    JRR Totkien  Lewis Carroll Stephenie Meyer  JK  Rowling
          11 read about what is happening  in the wortd?
          72 find out what to do and see when you're on hotiday?
                                                                 7  i,-ft,lAiiBg  Listen to Matt and Racheldoing  a questionnaire.
          13 find out how to cook  a nice meat?
                                                                    Complete  the sentenceswith Mott or Rochel.
          14 prepare  for a maths exam?
                                                                    1          reads a lot of comics.
          15 find different words with the same  meaning?
                                                                    2          reads a lot of magazines.
          16 [earn the rules  of the Engtish language?
          77 read a short fictional work?                                      finds fitms  more exciting than  books.
                                                                    4  -            fame is more important  than  money.
                                                                    5  -       has written  a science-fiction  short story.
                                                                 8  1-.&i$r:*r$,  Listen again. Complete  the questions.
                                                                    1  -       books a year do you read?
                                                                    2 Woutd you rather  read a novel or_   of that novel?
                                                                    3 lf you were  an author, woutd you prefer  to be
                                                                      but famous, or-
                                                                      -                    but unknown?
                                                                    4 Have you ever written a short story for   ?
                                                                 I  ffiffi&[  Work in pairs. Ask and answer  the questions
                                                                    from exercise  8.
           EE VOCRSULARY  BUILDER  (PART  1): PAGE 133  (((3        D  VOCRSULARY  BUILDER  (PART 2): PAGE 133  ((l|tr   ,
     e4i  Unit 10  o  The written word
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