Page 117 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 117

wiu                                                      {li;.li we use both will and be going fo to make  predictions  and
                                                                to talk about our decisions.
       Ii,llr We use will to tatk about the future. We form sentences
       with r,vil/tike  this:
       .  will + infinitive without to                                                                       ,  ,.i
                                                                              ,:bas,ed:,r'    .r:': based on the,
       I will go                                                              ,,'kn,oWled,ge  rand   iitua,tironra,nd what  l
                                                                                            '1,  ,
       The form of rauill is the same for all person  s  U,  you, he,        ri 'qpinio,ns:  ,: ,,"  :  , ,'  '  We1rqaR:See!  r  :   :
       she, etc.).                                                            .,Foonei:.lril!  aca:re:.',',,:,:'  Poqneli*,   $or,1hs  ballf
                                                                                                  Itar,,,  Io t Lnr al.
                                                                             . ,Ha,.a]vr41ar.erore*  ln, ,  r
                                                                              i$poatar1t  iiga;11ii9,,  ,  'rr,'r'r
        l'l\ ree  1ou  laler      r.,1, wonlt:,:ttll':,an1b0d1,,,"',,,,,,
                                                                              .,instanLdeciaions,,,,,  in[gn!io,1s,-
        n&.!!.,ba,angr1,,,,:  t,           lrilleni   ,10                                                   !,hings,  ,,'  ,
                                  ,,fhe1,,,xonrt   1ou,                      ,,,,that'We  make,rwh  i[e,,,,,  th at we, h,ave,  a lr.eady
        (futt  form = r,vill)           im,'  =,w|!,!,,:noi);,,,1':,',,,      ,.,sB,eakini;,,,,  .'  :',:'t :':   d.e.cidgd,1,,,,  r,,  .,-'  :.,
                                   .fn:![,'fu                                                 ':"
                 iil;]:..11]]  ;'1|'}.::$!s!da                               ,   :iho,ul11rnr,  tler 169'1"19;,r,1,  1,  ;  !,rtl.tgoing*o.ha?a,,,,,,,
        .t  ^-        ,'J';if,$                                              ,  Hnr  m::rrllll,,,lra u&.  :  LhicYbr\,. chlcxon!o11ghi.|:  ,'
        tNili  be at homa?                                                                        bought  it,,ihis  mornlng,
           1bu                     Yeo;  ,!,1.w1!1,,,,',
        will  il worK?  ,,         Nb;  ,it:uo,nll;
                                                                Zero conditional
                                                                    We use the zero conditionatto  tatk about a result
       l.,i: We usewill:
                                                                which fotlows a particular  action.  We use the present
       .  to make  factual statements  about the future.
                                                                to describe the action and the  present simpte to describe
         Thors wili bv a *o\arcL\i1u- irt LoLls.
                                                                the resutt.
       .  to make predictions,  especiatty when they are based on
                                                                tf you proeo  thir butlon, th* light ,om&6  0n,
         our own thoughts  or beliefs.
         I ihinr  1ou'\\  do wall in  .iour gxami.              The rf ctause  can come  before or afterthe main ctause.
         I don'j thinr 0nqland will lrin ths n*rt ulorld  Lup.  lf it comes  after, we don't use a comma.
                                                                lf   haal  i6e, it melt$.
         t0 make  offers.                                         1ou
                                                                lca malts if   haat il
         l'11 carry   lour  bags.                                        1ou
         l'll lend  1ou  m1 phone
         to make promises.                                      ffioy, might and, could
         i'\l alwals \ove                                       ii,,;i' The verbs may, might  and could areused  to tatk about
         to make instant  decisions  (deeisions that we make  white  something that can happen in the present or future. Afterthese
         we are speaking).                                      verbs  we use the infinitive without fo.
         LooKl Thara'r {omm1.  1'll go and ta1 hello.           lrlhsre's fohn?  Ha might ba ln his badroom.  (now)
                                                                Who'a ihal KnocKing  it tho door? lt could  be ihe poriman  (now)
       going to                                                 Thp waath*r  torva$ said i't may rain tomorrow.  (future)
        i:,,.:i We use be going to to talk about the future. We form  The verb mof suggests  more definite possibitity lhan might.
        sentences  with be going to tike this:                  Negative  forms for might and moy are might not and moy not,
        o present simple  of be + going to + infinitive without fo
                                                                The verb could does not have a negative form when it is used
         l'm going to iaKo my driving tesi next  lear           to express various  degrees of certainty.
         Vagor {vdoror i6n'1 going 1o win tha maich.
                                                                I nright  go out thi* av>ning. -r I might  noi go out thie evrning.
         Ara  1ou  qoinq  t0 bv aI home thit waokond?           I could  go out this avoning. -' (N0T - H'd-ff+Ss-ou++hi6
         Yar, I am. I No, l'm no.l.
        :1i;,,rr,1,  ![s uSe be gOing  to:
        .  to make predictions,  especiatly when  they are based on
         what we can see.
         Look ai thal manl He'a going to jLrmp in tha rivarl
        .   to talk about our intentions.
          {"m going 1o invi'io har to m1 par\.
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