Page 125 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 125
Comptete the advertisement. Use the future passive form Passive (present simpte)
.t,,r,,. : We form the present simpte passive like this:
(r,vi10 of the verbs in the brackets. ': : i, , ;
o present simple of be + past participte of the main verb.
{hi* nar^rrpaprr io publlrhrd ,\ailv
There grapeo are gro\,^rri in 11a|1
ii,',,tr:':.r,.1,,,',r1,:ir,:lllllllli:irliliilllilllll:i:fiiiliil::i li:liilllllli:,lllllalllirilllfl:iirill;li:iillili
This wina inr,'l madt in Franr.e
Lart arr,n'\ usad on tha ri\an.\ o1 Trmco.
lr Jour Dw\L\e. btrvtLoc ragirlarll?
Are vour clcthas ,nathrd h'r hrns?
Don't worry if you can't write very well. The text
' (read) by one of our expert editors rll.,,trrti:,,,] i,1]i.,,,,:'l:,1i1r,l,r.,llllllaililliillllll:lalilll]: iiil:iiflilitllrlllttiii llilii:li:irilll:
and mistakes (conect). Y?n. ii is. i No, t,snt.
3- 'lhe1
The final text (email) to you before Ym, thol are. I Nc, aran'1
printing. The cover (design) using .: ,,,:,, We use the passive when we want to focus on the action,
a photo of you. Then your book 5 not on who performs it, or when we don't know who performs it.
We often use the present simple passive to describe a process.
(print) on high quality paper and a hundred copies First, ihe bctt\er are wa*hod. {han ihel'rr acrled inio di{{rrrni
u (send) to your home. rolours. Ntxi, thal ... , *10
.r.,.1 :, When we want to say who performed the action,
lJlfhqt perfe€t glft $or fr&emds wmd fcmiiy8 we use by.
M1 erran:r ara n arr'ad br iho leachert.
Passive (other tenses)
10 Comptete the questions. Use the correct passive form ', i:.l ,.lr We form other tenses of the passive tike this:
(present simpte, past simple, present perfect or future)
. correct tense of be + past participte of the main verb.
of the verbs in brackets.
1 How many Harry Potter bool<s (write)? ]].]:.::l]]]1]l.]li]ij.iii|]i,ii|]]li|]ll]l;;]:i',:l,::il
2 Where polar bears (find): the Arctic or the past simpte {hie houra uae built in 1350.
Antarctic? M1 {rirnde r;pra robbrd in M&}ico latl 1aar.
3 Where the next Olympic Games (hotd)? present perfect 0ur car has bran elolenl
4 Which kind of food - (sett) at a baker's shop? {he. Trr,riliqht bcoKr havr bron rrad b1
5 Can you name one novelthat (make) into a fitm? mi1\ion6. J
5 ln which century computers (invent)?
7 What [anguage (speak) by ordinary people in future simple llis firit novol will br publi;he,d rielt re-ai'
Ancient Rome? Thr pyarnid* will b? c\oaan nmi urork.
8 Scotland ever- (hit) by a tsunami?
11 Worl< in pairs. Asl< and answer the questions in exercise 10.