Page 4 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 4

irq  i,efirirl:t!
                 Personality adjectives  lqenerous,  lazy, rude,  elc.)  Readingr  The Dul(e of Edinburgh  Award
                 Negative  prefixes:  un-, in-, im-, ir- ard dis-  Verbs  not used  in  ($  Fourteenagers doingthe  Dul(e of Edinburgh  Award
                 [d  Describing  people's  personalities  continuous tenses
     Get ready  for your exam  1 p12  .  Speaking Picture  descriptio,  .  Listening  Compteting  a table  .  Use  of Engtish  Open  ctoze task
                       .  Reading  True/False  statements  .  speaking  Situational  role-play
                 i:14  A  jtIf:ti*e  ci sFCri
                 Sporls  (othletics,  boxing. surfing,  etc.) playl go  I  do + sporl  Pronunciation:  -ed  Reading:  Bog snorl(elling
                 Collocations: sports and  games  (win  o roce, score  a goal.  etc.)  endings  (b  A snail  race
                 6i  Sports  commenlaries

                 /./  .:,.d   -rr.
                 Rurat and  urban landscapes  (poyement,  lield,  roodworks, hedge,  etc.l  Reading:  Fox-hunting
                 Prepositions of movement  (across,  through, elc.)       60 Hunting
                 Compound nouns  (homework,  weekend, elc.)
                 6d  Fotlowing  direclions
     Get ready  for  your exam  2 p32  .  Reading  Multiple-choice  stalements  .  Speaking Picture  description
                       .  Listening True/False  statements  .  Speaking Situational  rote-ptay  .  Use  of Engtish  Word  [ormaLion
                 F34  Al the  .:n€fi3
                 Types of film  \action film.  rcmedy.  musical.  eL(.)  Reading:  The Oscars
                 Adiectives  to describe films {dull,  gripping,  etc.)   L0  I he  Razzre  Awards
                 -ed  and  -ing  adiectives  1on  noyed  I  an noyi ng. disop  pointed,
                 disoppoinling.  eLc.l
                  Q  Excerpts  from films
                       .  Language  Revieil Units  3-4  p42  .  .. Skills Ro.und.up  Units  1:4  p41
                 pj.4  Al lhe si1lps
                 Shops  (chemisl's,  DIY store)           been and gone  Reading:  Covent Garden
                 Verbs:  shopping  ancJ money  (borrow,  owe,  spend,  etc.)  for  and since  Vocabulary: entertaining  and perf otning  (oudition,  busk,  ven  ue, etc.)
                  f&  Conversations  in shops             How long ... ?  6d Announcements
     Get ready  for  your exam  3 p52  .  Listening  Multiple-choice  statements  .  Use  of English Sentence  transformation  .  Speaking Picture  comparison
                        .  Reading  Matching sentences  to texts  .  Speakiflg  Situational  ro[e-play
                 !i5{ Eie{iruFia CeYices
                 Electronic  devices  (ebook  reoder,  satnav,  eIc.)  Pronunciation: goirg  lo   Reading:  ELectronic obsessions
                 Phrasal  verbs  (rurn  o n, switch off,  pick up,  ek.)  [d  A radio interview about social neiworking
                  fA  Radio  adverlisements                              Vocabutaryi  websites: verb and  noun phrases  (uplood  photos,  update a profile,
                  '-  . : I  . Lariguage  Review Unilsr5-6.p62  ;.skiU!  Roiiirdlup  Units.l-6  p63
                 ,'1'   '" .li  r"9,  "'
                 Geslures  (bow,  wove.  wi nk. elc.)                     Reading:  Has  Christmas become  too commercial?
                 PhrasaI verbs  (sfond  up, twn over,  {ie down,  elc.)   fd  Gifts  given and  received
                  6d Customs  in diflerenl  counlries                    Vocabutary:  gifts  and  special occasions  (perfume,  wedding anniversory,  elt.)

     Get ready  for yoor exarn 4 p72  .  Reading  Matching  headings  to paragraphs .  Speaking Situational  rote"play
                        .  Listening  Matching statements  .  Use of Engtish  open  cloze  .  5peaking  Picture  comparison
                 p74 !]lsilet Iarlh
                 NaturaI  disasters  (ovalanche,   famine,  tsunoni,  etc.)  Reading:  Proud  oftheir  dustbinl
                 Word  formation:  noun  suffixes  Cotrcn,  -ion,  -ness)  [d  Recycting
                 Pronuncialion:  natural disasters
                  6i  News reports
                  .  . ..   .Langla*e'ReviewUniisT-8p82  .SkillsRound-upUnitsl-8p83
                  F.34  {riffe-* an{i .fiftiials
                  Crime  (burgle,  mug, rob o bonk,  deol  drugs,  etc.)  Reading:  The Legend  of Robin  Hood
                 Word  formation:  noun suffixes (-er,  -ist  and  -icion)
                                                                          6d  ls it ever  oK to steat?
                  fd News reports about  (rimes
     Get ready for  your exam  5 p92  .  Listening  Comprehension  questions  .  Speaking Situational  rote"play  .  Use  of Engtish  Word formation
                        .  Reading  Gapped  senten(es.  Speaking Picture,based discussion
                  t 9r Pr5li ;::.  .
                  Publications  (biogro phy,  comic,  manual,  etc.)      Reading:  Wiiliam  Shakespeare
                  Books  and  text  (bock  cover,  title, elc.)  6& Pubtishing -  past  and  $il  Teenagers  tatking  about Shal(espeare
                  Pronur(iation:  word siress             present
                  [d  Talking  about books
                       ..  Languagd  Reviaii  Units  9'10  p102. . .  Skitts  Rornd.uir.Units  1-10.  px03

    ri0i.CnULARY  3ri I L*iIR  F  i :4
     $  Listening  (x.01  =  disk 1, track 1  /  2.01  = disk 2, tracl(  1)
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