Page 5 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 5

.p? Verb * lrfi,i;tite                              p10 Ext,lanSi*g  0pin;0ns
        qr  ,ii* ibrm
                                                            $  Expressing  likes and dislikes   Modifying  adverbs  (o  little,  not at all,
                                                            Vocabulary: hobbies and interests  (playmg  s port,  chatting  quite, reolly,  etc.)
                                                            online,  elc.)

        p17 P,!t sln!ph                                     p20  Talkins *bout the  Fast
        .arld c{imrti**our.                                 Vocabulary:  free-tim  e activities  Lg  o b owlin g,  have
                                                            o barbecue,  etc,)

        p:?l?tA,.tlii{Laii:t.,i                             p3S  Pi{ture  dssfriplion
                                                            Vocabularyr  descriptive  words (crowded,  smry,  indoors,  etc.)  Vocabulary: holiday activities  (buy
        vowet  Sounds                                       Fillers  (let  me think, hmm,  etc-\  so  uve  n i rs, s un both e, elc,)
        aid:thie  . i  i

        f 3}{ritr).rr,i,  si,                               p40  Buyirg  tickels
        ,c., i{ril$S.  r.:  r ',
                                                            Lhecking  understan  ding(Pordon?  Sorry,  did  you  soy  ..,  Words  for  expressin  g contast  (however,
        'Pron,unailatiori:  .i
                                                            Pronunciation:  intonation  in checking phrases  atthough)
        weakfd,rnis..i.  .rl

        $i'?.frcsellt  t *rfdrl                             p$0 Maki$g a.0mpiaint
        !nd  pni$trsieik..  .                               Vocabulary:  faulty  good,s  (The  zip has  come off, Con  I have
        Havg,yo,u,ever...'?  .
                                                            o refund?,  etc.)
                                                            Pronunciation:  making  a comptaint

        r5;. Iero.(0*di1l,ndl  p58                 p6S  lfiv,tatioils
        nAy,might  and cbuld.  irr$i€s:iwy$$ge&iis&r]lida.,::i:..-....  ..  .........-......  Vocabulary: sociat  activities  Gto  sk feboarding,  have  ca, for requests and permission
                                                            a borbecue,  elc,)                 (Con  you buy some  milk?, Con  t borrow
                       l:ii::il,.l:::..airiliii:lilitiilii:1il:il:ail:iira:::i::i:r::.::lri:  Making invitations  your  laptop?,  etc.)
                                                            Pronunciation:  intonation  in invitations
        s6i tirttr.ondi,iisnel                              p70 &iving  advice  afld re{omeen{tstions
        'Pronun.ciatibil  1 irl'Il...                       S  Asking about tourist  attractions  Abbreviations  (P5,  RSVP,  osop,  etc.)
        ahd.viiin't:,.'.  ...,'
                                                            Vocabulary: events  and places  to visit  (coln  ivol, costle,
                                                            s h o  p p  i n g  d i str i ct, etc,)
                                                            should  and ought to for suggestions,  advice  and opinions

                                                            p80  Stimulus  discu$sion
                                                            Vocabulary: fund.raising  events:  @et ftt,  sponsor o runner,
                                                            collect  money, etc.)
                                                            Fund-raising  methods

        li*7rt{ep?f.ted  .speeah                            pPS  Reporting  q  iltcft
                                                            ifih Reporting  thefts             ColloquiaI  expressions and
                                                                                               abbreviations  (o gay,  LOL, BFN,  etc.)

       ,.:ilI Thr,parstre                                   F1O0 Arrangiqg ts mest
       r. i(&.,e$e&t. illstlt it                            Vocabulary: suggesting activities(Why  don'twe  go  fot  o
       :re,ndrrit{i  d}:,  :iir'  l                         pizza?,  elc.)
                                                            $  Arranging to meet
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