Page 74 - Full Solutions 2nd Pre-Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 74

         1  re!ftffiffiefl  v'vorr  rn parrs. Asr< ano answer  rne  ETI  Aetween  1901 and 1954, Einstein pubtished  more
                                                                    than  300 scientific  works. When he was 30, he was finally
                                                                    offered a  job  at Zurich University.  E: mc' is his famous
            1 How many famous scientists  can you name from         theory about  energy. The idea was so advanced  that no
              a your country?                                       one could actua[[y prove  it worked until much later. ln
              b other countries?                                    1,91,9  one of Einstein's theories  about  Iight was  proved  to
            2 What did they discover or invent?                     be correct  and he finally became  famous. ln 1,921  he won
                                                                    the Nobel  Prize for Physics.  He was very happy  about this.
         2  Do the exam tasl<.
                                                                    But he told everybody,'l  have  no speciaI  talents. I am
                                                                    only passionately  curious.'
            Read the text. Match headings 1-6 with paragraphs  A-D.
           There are two extra headings that you do not need.    Speaking
            1 A questioning  mind                                3  Match items  in cotumns  A and B to mal<e ten smartphone
            2 A brittiant  student                                  functions.  Which ofthese  functions has your phone got?
            3 Fame achieved
           4 An unpromising  start                                  Wffi
            5 No  iob  and no qualifications
            5 Part-time  scientist                                                ::::.bO:iikrrl:ll..irll  r:r:l::r'  ,',text,il::,,ii:.,,,,  i  i.,aCCig.SS,,,t'l,.rl:r.  ,  ,
                                                                     addresS  llr::il  'r: 'icat'endaf r,. t.   ,r ,e1';1lil.,,r':r  r,,,;;e66ydi6g:.  '1
           ETI  rr.ry so often,  a genius comes  atong.  Atbert      ,ap$oi,ntntentrr:r::keyb0ard,,:::r,,:  :'Video::r  mesSaging
            Einstein comptetely changed  our ideas  of space and time.
                                                                    ,  rWe.b:,  .:r  ::r  .r,  rrr. r,:br6w$ef  rir r lrir  , ,d:igitat .  |t:r' , 'dialtjng,,t:'  ,il ,.,
            He is catted the 'father of modern physics'.  But what  1  ,665giegn,,i:,ii,ir,r,tt  r,;.B[3ygp   voice  :  qAmeta  ri:r'-rr,,rir
            does  a genius look [il<e as a chitd? Einstein  was born in
            Germany.  He wasn't impressive as a chitd. He was very
                                                                 4 reE&mlletsif#K  (} :.ol  Listen and complete
            slow to start tall<ing and his parents  were worried  about
                                                                    the instructions  for sending  a text message. Use the
            him. At school, his teachers  weren't  impressed either.
                                                                    words  below
            He found  school boring and was badly behaved! He teft
            at the age of 15 without passing his final exams.       button icon  key in pressing scrol[ down
                                                                    select touch  turn on
           ETI  ttowever, Einstein  was very curious about the
           world. His father and uncle had an engineering company,  1-the     phone by  2    this button.  To send a
            and he was always  asl<ing questions  about electricity  message,  3--   the 'Messages'  '   , then  5   the
            and machines.  When he was smalt, his father gave him   list of contacts and  6-   the one you want.  Then  7-
            a compass. Einstein  was fascinated  because  the needle  your message and touch the 'send'  8-   .
            atways  pointed  north. He wanted to find out about the
            universe, but the answers  to many of his questions  5  Do the exam tasl<.
           weren't  taught  in schools. So he read lots of books
            on his own.
                                                                    You are tall<ing  to a friend about a mobile  phone  you
           ETI  finstein  finished his education  in Switzerland.   have recently bought.  She would  lil<e to buy a similar
            He wanted to work in a university,  but no one thought  phone. lnclude  information about the following points:
            he was good enough. When  he was 23, he got  a job  in
                                                                    o  the phone's  Iool< and size
            a government office in Switzerland.  His job  was to look
                                                                    o  the phone's  functions
            at people's  inventions  and give  them a patent for their
                                                                    .  how to use one ofthe functions
            ideas.  The work  was easy for him and he had time to
                                                                    .  something  about the phone that you are unhappy  with
           think.  He spent a lot of time writing about the laws of
            physics  and the universe. He sent his papers  to scientific
            magazines.  The science  world was amazed  to read them.
            No one had ever heard of this young office worl<er.

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