Page 82 - More_3_2nd_edition_Workbook
P. 82

UNIT         12              It’s an awesome place!

                       Text work

                  1    Read the article about Transylvania. Tick (✓) the things that the writer saw.

                       1   mountains             4   bears
                       2   castles               5   vampires
                       3   wolves
                       The real Transylvania

             Last summer, we went to           But then, over the mountains,    We went to one castle where
             Transylvania. Maybe you think of   we reached Transylvania. It is a   Dracula used to live. Yes, Dracula
             Transylvania as being full of wolves,   magical land – green and full of   was a real person! He was the ruler
             vampires and strange castles.     wild flowers. We stayed at a village   of Transylvania 600 years ago.
             But is it a real place? Yes, it is!   where things were the same as   We saw lots of animals. Not only
             And it’s one of the most beautiful   they were a hundred years ago.   farm animals, but butterflies and
             places in Europe. We saw lots of   People still wear traditional clothes   wild horses. We even saw bears!
             castles and amazing mountains.    every Sunday and you can see     In some places, they come down
             And people even told me there are   people travelling by horse and cart.   at night to look through the rubbish
             wolves living here!               Every morning, the farmers take   bins. They are cute but very
                                               their cows and sheep up into the
             We went by car. It was a long                                      dangerous!
             journey, and we had to drive a very   hills.
             long way up into the mountains.   We saw amazing churches –        The only thing we didn’t see was a
             The roads were very narrow and    hundreds of years old – made only   vampire!
             winding.                          from wood. And we saw castles on
                                               mountain tops.

                  2    Circle T (true) or F (false).

                       The writer said that  …
                       1    Transylvania is not a real place.                     T / F
                       2    there are wolves in Transylvania.                     T / F
                       3    people don’t wear traditional clothes in this place.    T / F
                       4    Dracula was not a real person.                        T / F
                       5    the bears are very friendly.                          T / F
                       6    he saw a vampire.                                     T / F

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