Page 86 - More_3_2nd_edition_Workbook
P. 86
1 Read the news article quickly and choose the best title.
1 Tourism in the US 3 The best place in the US for a holiday
2 New tourist attraction in Newburg
People who live in Newburg,
California, are happy about plans to
build a new theme park there. The
planning office has finally agreed
to build this park after three years
of meetings. George Mason, a
local planner, said yesterday that
building work will begin next month.
Mr Mason, who lives in the area
with his family, told reporters, ‘The
park will bring a lot of tourists to
The planners hope that visitors
to the area will also explore local
attractions, like its theatres and
festivals, as well as enjoying the
beautiful scenery, the unbelievable
beaches and, of course, the great The number of tourists from other helps, too, of course. The city
weather! ‘This is the best place countries that visit the USA has council of Newburg has been
for holidays,’ said Mr. Mason, been going down over the last few advertising in Europe to bring more
‘because it is sunny and there are years and the government hopes tourists to their town. That will be
lots of things to do. Some people that these tourists will choose good for Newburg, because tourists
like Los Angeles, but Newburg California for their holidays in the mean more money and more jobs
is better for tourists who prefer future. Plans like the theme park for local people.
something a bit quieter.’ in Newburg will help. Advertising
2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
1 What are they building in Newburg, California? C It’s got more film stars.
A A theme park. D It’s bigger.
B A playing field. 5 The number of tourists from other
C A theatre. countries that visit California …
D A supermarket. A has been going up.
2 Who is George Mason? B has been going down.
A A reporter. C has stayed the same during the last 10
B A tourist. years.
C A city planner. D is not known.
D A builder. 6 Why do people in Newburg want more
3 What are some of the local attractions? tourists to visit their town?
A Fish restaurants. A Because the weather is great.
B Swimming competitions. B Because Newburg is too quiet without
C Tourists from other countries. the tourists.
D Theatres and festivals. C Because tourists bring money and jobs
4 Why might people prefer Newburg to LA? to the area.
A It’s got better weather. D Because they want to have a festival
B It’s quieter. for them.
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