Page 110 - English_Vocabulary_-_DK_English_for_Everyone_Neat (4)
P. 110

tackle pollution  53             telephone manner  43             tidy  11
        tackle something head-on  39     television  9, 66 see also TV    tie (clothing)  15
        tail (airplane / aeroplane)  44  tell a white lie  26             tie (sports result)  61
        tail (animal)  54, 55            telltale  26                     tie your hair back  17
        take a bath  4                   temperature  51, 68              tiger  55
        take a flight  44                temple  72                       tight  5
        take a shower  4                 temporary  35                    tights  15
        take a test  24                  ten  2                           tile the bathroom  12
        take a year off  24              tenancy agreement  13            till  38, 74
        take a year out  24              tenant  13                       time  3
        take after someone  21           tennis  60                       time management  43
        take an exam  24                 tennis court  62                 tin  32
        take away  33                    tennis racket  62                tin opener  10
        take minutes  40                 tent  49                         tip  33
        take off  15, 39                 tent peg  49                     tire  45, 49
        take on someone  39              tent pole  49                    tired  19
        take out  33                     tenth  2                         tiring  6
        take out the rubbish  4, 11      term  24                         title  7
        take out the trash  4, 11        terraced houses  13              toast  31
        take photos  58                  terrarium  54                    toaster  10
        take questions  40               terrible  6                      toddler  20
        take someone on  39              terrified  19                    toe  14
        take something with a pinch of salt  8  test  23                  toilet  9
        take the bus  44                 test results  69                 toilet block  49
        take the first left  46          test tubes  78                   toilet paper  10
        take the second right  46        text message  7                  toiletries  10
        take the train  44               textbook  23, 63                 tomatoes  30
        talent show  67                  Thailand  1                      tonsillitis  68
        talented  18                     theater / theatre  65, 72        tool box  12
        talk  59                         there  46                        tools  12
        talk show  66                    thermometer  69                  tooth  14
        talkative  18                    thesis  23                       toothbrush  10
        tall  17                         thick  5                         torch  49
        tambourine  64                   thigh  14                        tornado  51
        tan / tanned skin  17            thin  5                          tortoise  54
        tandem  49                       think  59                        toucan  56
        tape measure  12                 think outside the box  41        touch base  41
        tapir  55                        think the world of someone  21   touch wood  26
        taste  32, 59                    third  2                         tour guide  34
        tasty  32                        thirst for adventure  48         tourism  48
        tattletale  26                   thirteen  2                      tourism industry  36
        taxi  44                         thirty  2                        tourist attraction  75
        taxi driver  34                  thousand  2                      tourist information  72
        taxi rank  44                    three  2                         tourist office  72
        taxi stand  44                   three times a week  3            tourist trap  48
        tea  4, 32                       thrilled  19                     towel  9, 50
        teacher  23, 34                  thriller  65, 66                 town  72
        teacher’s pet  8                 thrilling  6                     town hall  72
        team player  43                  throw  59                        town square  72
        teamwork  43                     throw money down the drain  41   toy shop  73
        technology  23, 76, 77           throw-in  61                     toy store  73
        technophile  77                  thumb  14                        toys  22
        technophobe  77                  thumbtack  37                    traffic jam  45, 75
        teddy bear  22                   thunder  51                      traffic lights  45
        teenagers  20                    thundery  51                     tragedy  65
        teeth  14                        Thursday  3                      train  44, 71
        telephone  37                    ticket  44                       train driver  34


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